Let's see, what can I powdercoat today? | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let's see, what can I powdercoat today?

nissan wiper 1.jpg
nissan wiper 2.jpg
nissan wiper 3.jpg
I have been practicing with my powdercoating system. So, today I thought I'd coat the wipers on my Wife's Nissan--might as well hit the ones on the Mounty also--

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Mark my words, this will come to no good.

As soon as you get one clean, good looking item in the engine compartment it spawns a frenzy of scrubbing and scouring.

This powder coating is the devil's work I tell you!

It starts with P, and that ryhmes with T, and that stands for TROUBLE!:shifty_ey

but it does look pretty good though.

As you and I have previously talked about this, how is the high temp ceramic powdercoating coming along? I am very interested and will send my entire turbo exhaust system to you for high temp coating. If I am not mistaken doesn't the high temp ceramic hold heat in as well? If so I am definately going to need to get this done. Unfortunately you will need a large oven when I send you my y-pipe. It is about 2.5dx2.5'wx5' long! Otherwise you could handle everything else right now. I am looking to also send you my inlet piping as well but I will do the exhaust first. I am thinking of changing my inlet piping up once I order my e-fan. -james

That looks great! I can't wait until Jon gets ahold of my upper intake parts :)

Bump for post # 145.

oops sorry James--I missed that

I am looking in to the ceramics. It is a relatively simple process, nearly the same except the ceramic is a liquid. I am currently looking for a flex spray nozzle to get inside the tubes.
The baking should be no problem-

That should be interesting also. I'd like to coat my cat pipes after I make them and decide that they are right. I don't know if an exhaust coating business would do cat pipes, or if they could. I can get headers done locally, but it isn't cheap. I'd like to have my headers through my cross over pipes coated eventually.

oops sorry James--I missed that

I am looking in to the ceramics. It is a relatively simple process, nearly the same except the ceramic is a liquid. I am currently looking for a flex spray nozzle to get inside the tubes.
The baking should be no problem-
Gotcha Jon. I am looking at getting all my hotside coated (from the headers to the exhaust tailpipe, turbo snell,etc). I would like to get it done around winter if possible. Definately keep me informed.

Here is after first blast and bake-
If you guys will keep me awake tonight-I'm going to turn it chrome and black-
Needs another blasting-then a wipe with acetone and I'll shoot it--

The inset will be black--


  • intake blasted.jpg
    intake blasted.jpg
    32.3 KB · Views: 696

Well i have another set i have to get out of the trailer that im gonna use soon. I may have to get somework done.

I think black will do.

Also my color is gonna be from a older dodge charger. They were making me a test card of it before i get it mixed. Should get that tomm...

When the time comes--just pick a color from an ebayer list I give you, and I'll get it:thumbsup:

I think the black chrome would be good for your wheels--to be serious.

I could try to do a lime green pinstripe on it--

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Just curious Jon, have you tried to do those exhuast tips yet? I mean this is not something I am trying to rush but I was just wondering how hard/easy they are if you have...
