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Main Divide Run 9/23

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...awesome, that would be cool...:D

...cyber, what ever you drive to the trail, you can use on the trail, dmv is open on sat too,...;)

Yea but i had to work in Phoenix AZ today too kinda permanent assignment now:( so no trips to DMV this weekend and i don't think my Escort will fair too well on any trail. can bring the d50...:D

 cool, see you at 9...:D....i'm waiting to see whats up with cyber...:scratch:

I do, and I put it in the truck already, just in case you still wanted it.

Thanks! :thumbsup: See y'all at 9.

A bit late... but I should be able to be there presuming our scary-ass, zero visibility rim fog :eek: is gone in the morning. When it's this bad, we usually don't go out, but if I can see more than 10 feet in front of the car come 7am, I will be seeing you all at 9:00 :thumbsup:

...stic-o, you should be able to make it if your shock comes in, or just bring the bII...:D

Shock was here and on the truck 2 days ago :p:

Just busy, :rolleyes: Still try'n to get moved in all the way..tired of tripping over boxes:(

Rit...did you guys get any snow?

..ritsui and khiori as quiet as can be...:D ...see you in the morning and be careful coming down that hill...bring yourselfs some lunch...;)

stic-o, wish you was coming but i know you got to get the new place together...;)

Rit...did you guys get any snow?
Nada. Snow level is near 10,000 feet and it is only dipping a hair below 40 at this elevation. Of course, it will probably be well below freezing as soon as the clouds move out :rolleyes:.

..ritsui and khiori as quiet as can be...:D ...see you in the morning and be careful coming down that hill...bring yourselfs some lunch...;)
Sorry, it's just me this time, but I will still drive careful :). Sometimes the fog is so thick, you can't see the yellow line with your head out the window. If it's not safe, I will send my regrets.

Hope to see you all in the AM :thumbsup: cool, see you at 9...:D....i'm waiting to see whats up with cyber...:scratch:

I am out, still in Phoenix this AM decided to stay overnight.

and the's dead and gone:roll::dead:
motor died in it over labor day weekend so i sold it to the j/y since i have the Explorer now and I acquired a 1993 Ford Escort over the labor day weekend from the local Police auction.

...ritsui, i see you it foggy???

Tbars, Sean just left about five minutes ago. He's going to stop on the Rim for gas and if the fog isn't scary thick, he'll head on down. At our place there's no fog at all and the sun is shining on the Pinnacles, setting them on fire. Hopefully the Rim will be clear too.

...well keep an eye out for us as we will wave when we get to the top....:D

I'll be squinting west then! Enjoy your day!

Sorry i couldnt make this run, some ******** vandalized my ex last nite. Nothing to major, i thought they slashed the tires but only removed the valve stems. We have a bunch of punk kids in my neighborhood that like to destroy peoples things. Its time to go have a talk with the parents and educate them so they can educate thier children....

Wow that really sucks about your explorer carlover, luckily it wasnt anything too catastrophic. You did miss out though on a nice scenic (some of the time) drive. Towards the top of the mountain the fog was so thick that everything 20 feet around you in all directions just disappeared into white fog. It was just Tbars, Ritsui, Froader, Froader's dad, and me. I had a great time today, i was expecting and hoping for a little more muddy terrain but most of it was dry already. So next up is Truckhaven!

Oh, and Tbars, i guess from all the shaking my antenna came unscrewed. I can't believe it didnt blow away on the trip home, but its gonna need to be retuned now. And Froader, thanks for the windshield banner. problem, i have the meter in my X...i wish i knew before you left but it's a good thing you didn't lose it...i'm always checking mine...;)

carlover, thats the pits....

...i'll be posting pics in a bit...not many though....

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A nice mellow trail for a lazy Sunday. I had a good time.
I forgot the camera though, so one pic from my phone. :eek:


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