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MFT Wallpapers

Thanks Fordy!

Hit the "House" botton on the bottom of the screen (bottom middle - it is in between Radio and Climate). Once you hit that a little menu should pop up to change the display layout, and then select the top one. You will then be able to see your wallpaper and the layout will be a little different.

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How bout this one? :)


  • roads.jpg
    9.5 KB · Views: 752

This is not as neat as i thought it would be. So let me get this right, I upload a wallpaper and every time I want it on my screen I have to change the layout? And whenever i leave the screen to navigate somewhere else i need to set it back to the wallpaper? Thats not a wallpaper that simply an option to look at a picture. If thats the case this is pointless. I want the MFT to act the same as a computer - desktop w/ a picture of my choice with an overlay of all the options to select.

Is there a way to make it time out to default back to the wallpaper after you select something? Or, is there anyway to have it static under all the other different screens?

This is not as neat as i thought it would be. So let me get this right, I upload a wallpaper and every time I want it on my screen I have to change the layout? And whenever i leave the screen to navigate somewhere else i need to set it back to the wallpaper? Thats not a wallpaper that simply an option to look at a picture. If thats the case this is pointless. I want the MFT to act the same as a computer - desktop w/ a picture of my choice with an overlay of all the options to select.

Is there a way to make it time out to default back to the wallpaper after you select something? Or, is there anyway to have it static under all the other different screens?

Hi, tryan1977!

There is no way to default back to the wallpaper or have it static under all of the screens. You can submit this as an idea on under Your Ideas.

Here's the link if you would like to do that:


How about this one?


This is not as neat as i thought it would be. So let me get this right, I upload a wallpaper and every time I want it on my screen I have to change the layout? And whenever i leave the screen to navigate somewhere else i need to set it back to the wallpaper? Thats not a wallpaper that simply an option to look at a picture. If thats the case this is pointless. I want the MFT to act the same as a computer - desktop w/ a picture of my choice with an overlay of all the options to select.

Is there a way to make it time out to default back to the wallpaper after you select something? Or, is there anyway to have it static under all the other different screens?

There is another way of looking at the wallpaper layout. you do still have the 4 main function tabs in each corner. frankly i have learned to appreciate that layout as opposed to the 4 way split info screen option which to me is a bit cluttered.

well, i just saved an image as my wallpaper, but it doesn't "save". the "default FORD LOGO photo" is still coming up, even though it says that it saved my wallpaper. am i doing something wrong here?

Will be great if MFT incudes a timed automatic wallpaper changer...

well, i just saved an image as my wallpaper, but it doesn't "save". the "default FORD LOGO photo" is still coming up, even though it says that it saved my wallpaper. am i doing something wrong here?

Hello fellow Springian-

Did you pick the proper screen from the list that pops up from after pressing the little house at the bottom of the MFT screen? You will need to select the top choice. After you do this, your wallpaper should appear.

If you choose a function, be it phone, nav, climate, or radio, those screens will load and appear as usual. The wallpaper will not show through these screens. Just press the little house icon once and your wallpaper screen should popup.

One thing to keep in mind... I did some wallpapers for my friend and his new Edge Sport using our vacation photos, and while they looked great, they are blindingly bright at night. He has to turn down the screen brightness quite a bit to keep the interior illumination from them in check.

Hope this helps.

Happy Driving!

well when i uploaded it, i saved it as my wallpaper and it even confirmed when exactly is it that i can see my photo? is it when the vehicle turns on/off and the FORD logo appears and fades away?

No, you see the wallpaper only when you are in the Home screen. You press the House button in the bottom middle of the screen & select the first template. It will show your wallpaper & nothing else other than the 4 corners.

For what, just to have them overlay like crap to the home screen on the updated MFT?

Some of those actually complement the new layout...

Thanks for the link dutchman71! I love how the new version lets you use the buttons over the wallpaper instead of a useless page that you have to navigate away from to use. These wallpapers will look awesome.

Cool, thanks!

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Thanks Dutchman, I'll give it a try, looks great, seen any other sites?
