Mixed Up Sensors? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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April 4, 2011
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Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
I replaced my coolant sensors almost a year ago and I’m worried I have them backwards. I’m using the dy-1144 sensor to control the gauge on the drivers side one wire connector, and the SW5174 fan switch for the computer sensor on the passenger side two wire connector. Any experts here that can confirm if I have the correct or incorrect parts? I’m trying to clarify this since I can’t find a definitive answer using the search function. The truck starts fine and the temperature gauge doesn’t fluctuate too much. But I do have a rough idle in drive. Thanks.

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I know my explorer is 3 yrs older but same engine, I have the 1 wire sensor on the passenger side and the 2 wire sensor on the drivers side. I replaced these about 5 yrs ago and don"t remember which one does what .

Edit: The 1 wire goes to your gauge, and the 2 wire goes to the ecm.

I know my explorer is 3 yrs older but same engine, I have the 1 wire sensor on the passenger side and the 2 wire sensor on the drivers side. I replaced these about 5 yrs ago and don"t remember which one does what .

Edit: The 1 wire goes to your gauge, and the 2 wire goes to the ecm.

I replaced mine with the same part number I removed. It’s confusing since rock auto has the dy-1144 listed as sender/sensor. When the “sensor” reports to the computer and the “sender” controls the temp gauge. I’ll keep searching around.

This came off the two wire connector:

This came off the one wire connector, I couldn’t find a similar looking replacement and the original had no part number on it:


I replaced mine with the same part number I removed. It’s confusing since rock auto has the dy-1144 listed as sender/sensor. When the “sensor” reports to the computer and the “sender” controls the temp gauge. I’ll keep searching around.

This came off the two wire connector: View attachment 165036

This came off the one wire connector, I couldn’t find a similar looking replacement and the original had no part number on it:

View attachment 165037

For what it's worth, in my experience the sensor for the computer is the one with the pointy or funny tip. I've never seen this on the sender for the gauge on any vehicle. I don't know what the significance of the funny tip is.

For what it's worth, in my experience the sensor for the computer is the one with the pointy or funny tip. I've never seen this on the sender for the gauge on any vehicle. I don't know what the significance of the funny tip is.

Thanks. I’ll stop by advanced and see what they recommend, then I’ll post back here.

Advance lists this as the replacement sensor. It looks like the one I pulled off and it has the pointy end like koda mentioned. The one I have now is listed as a fan switch.
