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My New Front Bumper

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Paint! Black or some dark-ish gray shade.

Paint! Black or some dark-ish gray shade.

i might be getting the explorer painted for free soon, im wondering if the bumper would look gay painted to match the rest of the vehicle. Hmmmm..

It might look really cool. I almost did my white truck all white including bumpers, sliders etc. Instead I did all the bumpers and sliders gray to go with a "theme" plus I was trying to knock off trail ready's killer look.

From what I've been hearing clearcoat won't totally keep the bumper from showing rust because it will get under it and show so the better answer is to paint it a color close to what your bare metal looks like. Now if you's a balla you chrome that thing.

And I'm not just talking about the bumper, the whole truck.


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Ya i say do a two tone theme if you do get the truck painted.

that bumper is FRIGGIN AWESOME. pretty much the same as mine will be. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Ya i say do a two tone theme if you do get the truck painted.

Ive been thinking the same thing, maybe a silver and medium blue or something along that line. But its that dark green now so to do the door jams and all that is where the cost of painting really starts to shoot up. Maybe keep the green, and just add a silver or grey? Hmmm now you got me thinking lol..

So where are you going for this free paint job? And is it going to be a decent one or "you get what you pay for" kinda deal?

That looks frickin sweet!

So where are you going for this free paint job? And is it going to be a decent one or "you get what you pay for" kinda deal?

I have an insurance check for a vehicle that got wrecked a few years ago. The state told me to either use it or lose it so i made a little deal with the body shop since its a dual party check. Should be next month or so, its for almost 2000$ so thats a decent paint job right there.

its for almost 2000$ so thats a decent paint job right there.
That's plenty. My last explorer with a color change was $1k. Granted it was from white to grey so it wasn't as hard to change the color, but you should easily be able to get it done for $2k. :thumbsup:

just use some rustoleum hammertone grey on it.

as for the body? I say now if it's a trail truck paint it yourself:D and pocket the 2k for more parts:D

damn thats a nice bumper

just use some rustoleum hammertone grey on it.

as for the body? I say now if it's a trail truck paint it yourself:D and pocket the 2k for more parts:D

Its my DD for now, but the paint is still pretty good. i wish i could keep the whole check but its one of those stupid 2 party insurance checks. Otherwise the 2k would be for deavers and shocks and such lol.

Man, i am so jealous, you have the freedom to choose whatever paint you want! That's awesome!

Sean, you should get some 'glass fenders before you paint it. Would look really nice!

That i will do for sure. Im messing around in photoshop right now with some pics of the explorer and some possible paint schemes.

Take that thing to a powder coating facility. No, I cannot do it, besides the shipping would be outragous.
However-powdercoat is 10 times stronger than paint. You should be able to have that done in a large production facilty for 100 or less, if you wait for them to run a batch of your color choice. I'd stay with a gloss finish-bugs will clean away much easier.

Also, ask them for a small baggie of the powder-
if you do scrape a small area-a q tip dipped in acetone will work to apply a small amount of powder and keep the whole part rust free.

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