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Completed Project New Navajo Truggy build

Use this prefix for completed projects that are not "How to" articles or threads asking for help.
..Props for your honesty in sharing..:biggthump

..Man, that could have been a real bad deal but it does look like it's going to leave a mark...

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Double sheer lower track bar mount

Here are a few shots of a double sheer lower track bar mount I built this afternoon.




Welded high steer knuckles, Track bar bracket, E150 van fuel tank mounted

I know welding knuckles is frowned upon but these things are bad ass. I took them to Solo Motor sports in Covina, CA. Bobby and Carl are the owners and are a top notch company. They specialize in TTB 4x4 long travel stuff and build and race all that they fabricate. The Dana 44 knuckles were pre heated, welded then post heated before spending the night in a bucket of sand to slowly cool.



Notice how they drilled out the taper, inserted Chromoly (i think) tig welded and then grind it smooth.


I followed this guys build to install a van gas tank. I used G&J aircraft in Ontario for all my fuel and brake lines. Very good work for cheap.



Upper track bar mount is installed. I am going to box it in when I get time



I was way off on the amount these coils will compress from the weight of the vehicle. Luckily I had adjustable coil buckets. They ended up settling 4 or 5 inches. I drilled the track bar mount so I could install a bolt since on side of the track bar mount is welded to the coil bucket.






Full Bump



Me Neither, not sure I have ever seen so many self-fabricated parts before.

how have i not been watching this thread?

fwiw i agree that the rear needs bedsides or something to cover up that last bit of frame

fwiw i agree that the rear needs bedsides or something to cover up that last bit of frame[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

The rear will be mostly cage that will tie into the front half exo cage. I was thinking about flaring or morphing whats left of the rear wheel wells kinda like the rear fenders of a baja bug but done in smaller tubing. Splice in aluminum and rivets. Should look cool.

Thanks to everyone. This website is most of the inspiration. I just had some pent up fabrication frustrations I needed to get out.

I fabricated so many parts myself because I have a budget of about $4K.


Build is looking good, I've seen way too many track bar brackets rip off the frame, one halfway through an 8 hour trail. I never had a problem from a simple solution of running a piece of steel to the engine cross member. You can see it behind the bracket. This never failed me, it's the only weak part I see of your build, otherwise it's looking great!

Track bar mount


Build is looking good, I've seen way too many track bar brackets rip off the frame, one halfway through an 8 hour trail. I never had a problem from a simple solution of running a piece of steel to the engine cross member. You can see it behind the bracket. This never failed me, it's the only weak part I see of your build, otherwise it's looking great![/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip. I did notice that a lot of mounts attach the way you describe. I wanted to articulate the suspension first to make sure nothing colided.
I still need to box it in and I also want to incorporate some tubing for added strength. The frame area where the track bar is welded to has a 3/16" plate with rossett welds everywhere.

Rear Shock Hoops

Here are my rear shock hoops. I have a little area where the shocks pass by the body and the gas tank.





Front Shock Hoops

Eventually I want to go to coil over shock. These hoops could be modified with extra reinforcement to accommodate coil overs.



25 deg angle lean on these hoops bring it closer to the shock location.

I made some mock up shocks out of all thread rod. A little beating to the floor board gave me extra clearance for the hoops



My cheapo Harbor Freight notcher worked great.




All I have left to do is tabs front and rear. I'm running 14" shocks in the front and 11" in the rear.

Once the brakes are done I should be able to drive it home. THEN THE CAGE STARTS. I can't wait.
Stay tuned.

Looking good!! I'm excited to see this done and on the trail.

Thanks Dude. I'm excited to be almost done. I'm definitely running out of steam. I think once I get started on the cage I will get my second wind.

Track bar mount FINISHED.


Build is looking good, I've seen way too many track bar brackets rip off the frame, one halfway through an 8 hour trail. I never had a problem from a simple solution of running a piece of steel to the engine cross member. You can see it behind the bracket. This never failed me, it's the only weak part I see of your build, otherwise it's looking great!

Thanks for the tip. I did notice that a lot of mounts attach the way you describe. I wanted to articulate the suspension first to make sure nothing colided.
I still need to box it in and I also want to incorporate some tubing for added strength. The frame area where the track bar is welded to has a 3/16" plate with rossett welds everywhere.[/QUOTE]

Running a brace to the cross member becomes a little difficult beacuse I extended the wheel base a few inches.
I came up with this to strengthen the track bar. I dare this ***** to break.

I had to make sure I could still get to the bolts for the adjustable coil buckets.


I made another plate to "scallop" effect. I put a rossett weld where the tubing and brace are.


Added some 1/8" plate to box the whole thing in.

Finished product.

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Shocks and brake lines

Got the shocks installed and the brakes done.


The rear shock hoop had such a long span that I incorperated the shock mount and brace in one.

I stitch welded the mount so the tubing didn't warp.

Kind of hard to see the braided brake lines. Thought installing them this way would keep them safe. Just need to be sure the tires don't hit them at full lock. Might install a small bungee to keep them out of the way.

