New Prerunner bumper for the Mounty | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New Prerunner bumper for the Mounty


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
September 16, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia Beach, Va
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 4x4 Mounty
Ok I found this bumper to work great in my situation. You need a 3" bodylift for it to fit perfect. Its a prerunner style bumper made for a TJ / YJ. I cut the front horns off the frame along with about 2"-3" of frame. This bumper fits on the end of the rails snug. The only thing holding it on at this second is its welded on to the frame at the bottom. I plan on attaching it bry drilling a 5/8 hole though the bottom of the bumper, through the frame then though the top then intalling a grade 8 5/8 bolt on each side. It has 4 light tabs and 2 mounts for D-rings. I picked it up for around 300$ but I am not sure of the brand. I love the improved clearance and look of it.





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That looks uber sexy. :cool:

oh baby lets see I just need about $5K for th eDixon Bros long travel kit, some deavers, rear resi shocks and this bumper now. :)

So basically most of these style bumpers for the TJ will work if you cut the frame in this manner....hmmm

Thats pretty sharp... looks like it was made for it

410Fortune said:
oh baby lets see I just need about $5K for th eDixon Bros long travel kit, some deavers, rear resi shocks and this bumper now. :)

So basically most of these style bumpers for the TJ will work if you cut the frame in this manner....hmmm
That's what BKennedy did for his bumper.

Looks like it was made to be installed on there. I've always wondered if those bumpers could be made to fit our frames...

I would stick with a TJ/YJ bumper because its boxed and fits perfect. A XJ one will have mounts that would go into the framerail and on the perpendicular side so I think it would be quite a bit of work to get one of those to work. Im not saying it can't be done but for all the work you would put into it you can build your own bumper.

that is freagin sweet lookig.

looks so much more bad ass in person. i went by and saw it today, this **** is sweet! fits perfect oo.


Looks like I am going to have to look into doing a body lift and find out what bumper that is. It looks great, exactly what I want.
Looks like it was made for the Mountie/Ex
Any idea who makes the bumper?


I just happen to know where a warn rockcrawler bumper for a TJ is laying around collecting dust. :thumbsup:

I found it, it is the smittybilt one, click here


truck looks great, that bumper changes the whole look of the truck. nice work :thumbsup:

soo awsome

just had a thought...couldthis work for rear bumper too...perhaps one with a swing out tire mount.....

anything is possible, I am surprised the Explorer frame is similar in width to the TJ, I doubt you would be so lucky in the back, the Explorer frame gets wider in the rear (springs under frame)

But I mean these are metal bumpers and we have sawzalls and welders, so yeah it can be made to work

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Very nice indeed:chug:
