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new Toyota FJ Cruiser


To the flo...
October 31, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Dimondale, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 GT, '93 Limited
Coming as a 2007...


official Toyota link

Seems like a nice machine to me. Larger 2 door SUV with their 4.0L DOHC V6, differential lock, and manual tranny available. I think it's good in a time where SUVs are losing low range and becoming more like cars. And, hey, it's a Toyota. They start at under $22k so I think the price is right. I just hope it doesn't become a yuppie vehicle like the H2. And a lot more capable than the H3 (garbage). Seems to be an affordable, capable, modern off road vehicle

What do you guys think?

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I have driven 2 and they are awesome. They also handle well on the road. The thing is that they come with 31" tires, but there is plenty of room for more. If you look under the front at the front axles, they are actually at a slight up angle-you could probably lift the front 3+ inches before you get them at the angle that my Explorers are at with a 2" TT. I bet you could fit a 295/75/16 with some coil spacers with NO rub.

I wonder if they're Trail Rated :rolleyes:

I think Toyota did their research. I'll seriously consider one in a couple years when I get a real job

I definitely like the vehicle. First of all, i love toyotas, even more than the exploder. :D But seriously, it is an incredibly capable machine and i would love to see everyone who bought one wheel it. Or even better, a lifted moded one. :drool: HAHA! Guess I like it haha!

Toyota seems confident in its capabilities, even thought it isn't Trail Rated :p . Like website has photos of it climbing over somes rocks, on a sand dune, driving over one of those "two track" bridges (don't know a better term) and in one fo those situations where a couple dudes are out pushing at the top so the side won't scrape on some rocks

Seems like you don't get much for $30k. Rather unimpressed with it.

they are not available here yet but they seem like a nice ride

I saw one downtown last weekend. Are you SURE they are not available? Early dealer guy took one out on the town?

shadowex said:
they are not available here yet but they seem like a nice ride
you sure they aren't there yet? Our lot here in Oxford, MS has already sold 4 that I know of, I drove two of them:)

also, the interior is really nice. It has vinyl floors with molded rubber mats. It is kinda like a full size Extended cab truck with no bed...back doors open like my F150. There is alot of room inside. Also, the roof rack seems to be really strong.

This is the only vehicle I would consider trading my Explorer for. Unfortunately, I can't really afford to have a car payment, so I will keep driving 2 old vehicles (Toyota truck & Ex) instead of 1 new one.

I like it. I just watched all the video and demos from that site and it's pretty sweet. It says the rear is a 4 link, but it's actually a 3 link. I can't wait to see someone put a decent size lift and a straight axle up front.



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My bad there is 4, actually there is 5.

I guess I just don't understand why they have the 5th along the back of the axle if the 4 link is already triangulated.


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