NJ Pine Barrens Run: Weekend of April 5-6 | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NJ Pine Barrens Run: Weekend of April 5-6

April 5th or 6th

  • Saturday April 5th

    Votes: 6 66.7%
  • Sunday Apritl 6th

    Votes: 3 33.3%

  • Total voters





OK, now these below begin a hilarious story. After we spent a lot of time picking up TV parts, glass, and other junk at apple pie hill from kids throwing TVs off the fire tower, we head out and as we pass below the tower notice 4 kids bringing another TV up the stairs. Matt got crazy pissed and raced back to confront them. We all followed, and Matt proceeded to tell them to get the hell down, threaten to toss them off the tower, and then when they got to the bottom, had these kids put their hands in the hair against the tower and face away from him. He then got a pad, took down all their information, and "called it in". They "will be getting a summons in the mail. These kids were white as ghosts and looked like they were ****ting bricks. HILARIOUS.





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the aftermath of our off roading day


  • Wheeling 04010.JPG
    Wheeling 04010.JPG
    141.7 KB · Views: 210

nice pics:thumbsup: we even have proof of the er.. altercation:D

as soon as my sister sends the pics to me,ill post them,and i got my 31x10.50x15's on last night,truck runs nice with them on there,and it raised it up like 2-3 inches,i cant see on top of my roof from standing on the ground anymore,lol

john, did you see the video i posted? I had no idea we were doing that for so long haha

I've been busy today but as soon as I get a little time I will post the few that I took. All of the pics so far look great!:thumbsup: I had a blast even though the truck didn't cooperate.:thumbdwn:

yeah,i seen it,lol,i didnt think it was that long..i thought u were taking a few pics,then i was likw wait,he's probably recording it

cool pics everyone, looks like ya'll had a good time

Pete, I thought you were coming, what happened?

had to go pick up this: (couldn't pass it up, it was free)

I need some input my friends. The page for yesterday is just about done:

1. I need something for the "events of the day"

2. Blank the plates?

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

Drain and refill the differentials/tranny/etc for those who didn't extend their breathers..

I need some input my friends. The page for yesterday is just about done:

1. I need something for the "events of the day"

2. Blank the plates?

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

Andy, I'd be happy to send you full-size JPGs of the trash cleanup photos I took, I'd like those on the website. Also, blanking the plates for the site is a good idea.


Just put down for events that we hit the Barrens/Wharton for wheeling, Spent roughly 7 hours on the trials, no parts busted or hydrolocks this time. Also did trail cleanup, filled a bunch of garbage bags, and cleaned up Apple Pie Hill.

Great day had by all, and the cleanup was a definite success. Matt's "expert" handling of the "South Jersey Loser Kids" was hilarious and a great outcome. Definitely a highlight.

Here are the few photos I took:

John gives new meaning to "trash music":

Apple Pie Hill Tower upon arrival:

DJOR taking the Dirty out of the Jersey:

More Apple Pie Cleanup:

All cleaned up:

Just as we finish cleaning up the area, four loser kids come to drop yet another big TV off the top of the tower. I couldn't believe it. Here they are, lugging it back down, after being confronted:

Final pile of trash, MANY THANKS to the Warton ranger who allowed us to leave it there, even though it was a surprise!

Andy, I'd be happy to send you full-size JPGs of the trash cleanup photos I took, I'd like those on the website. Also, blanking the plates for the site is a good idea.

Aaron put them in a *zip file and e-mail them to webmaster@dirtyjerseyoffroad.com

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann

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Here's the TESTpage. If you have dial-up you're screwed. and no before any of you say it I talked to my neighbor and he said if I could pick-up his signal i could use his wireless - not always reliable but at 11Mbps I'm not going to complain:


If you all think it's ok I'll make it available form the meets page.

D.J.O.R. Netzhauptmann
