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Oil leak around oil filter


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November 22, 2010
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2003 Explorer 2003 XLT v8
Replaced the oil filter and it still leaks (several drops a day) around it. Is there a gasket inside the housing that needs to be replaced? Oil filters have a O-Ring gasket in them which butts up to the block, so why is it still leaking?

2003 Ford Explorer XLT V8

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You need the oil filter housing gasket, it is a rubber oring gasket that leaks.

Is that difficult to replace?

what they are saying is there is an adapter that bolts to the block, which radiator coolant passes through as well for the oil cooler on the V8's. this adapter also is what turns the oil filter 90 degrees toward the front of the truck. The gasket is $13 from Autozone, $22 from the dealer. Its just a tight area to work in on the ground & you have to basically drain the coolant & oil to do the job.

I'm getting ready to do mine next weekend.


what they are saying is there is an adapter that bolts to the block, which radiator coolant passes through as well for the oil cooler on the V8's. this adapter also is what turns the oil filter 90 degrees toward the front of the truck. The gasket is $13 from Autozone, $22 from the dealer. Its just a tight area to work in on the ground & you have to basically drain the coolant & oil to do the job.

I'm getting ready to do mine next weekend.


can't be that bad to do on the ex...i did it on my 4.6 thunderbird. I used a string with a bow in two of the boltholes to hold the gasket in place till I got the bolt in. Otherwise the gasket slips away. when the bolts are 1/2 way in just untie the bow.

Fixed Oil Leak

My oil leak turned out to be a failed gasket on the oil filter adapter. Very difficult to replace. Not much working room. Very tight location. The adapter has 4 bolts that torque to 18 ft. lbs. The Chilton's Auto Book don't show this filter adapter. Finally got all the parts back on and it runs good.

sorry to beat a dead horse but was wondering if i should use gasket maker as well for some extra insurance?
