Ok Once The Sport Is Unfixable | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ok Once The Sport Is Unfixable


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October 29, 2012
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2013 Explorer Sport
So My dealer (Fort Mill Ford) has basically said the can't fix my POS Sport
The MFT is a collosal failure and I have been told there is nothing they can do and no wayto fix my car. However I have a photo journal of everything it does.
1) Does not work for my phone most times with voice command-they said umm do you have emoticons on phone book? Really that is what your asking me and no it is a business phone
2) My navigation could be messed up becaue of my phone...really it is preventing it from reading the card?
3) we don't know what do and Fords computers are down so we can't talk to them however we will call you...over a week later I should keep the phone clear because they may call?
4) System Freezes and does nothing for long periods of time
Below is one of my fave MFT pics.. notice the screen and the brick wall in a parking lot?. Nice bit of quality there....

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Yup....Im on my second software reload and now it's a trip back for a new APIM.

You need to skip over the dealer and go direct to Ford IVT and ask for a Supervisor.

Im dealing directly with them on the MFT issues.

Sorry about all your issues with the MFT but with a new APIM it should be resolved. Those things are so finicky it's not funny. You can look at one wrong and it will lock up and never work again.

I have had the Apim done once...
I think I need to escalate..thanks for the kind words

what does APIM stand for?

So far so good with ours, but I have noticed the screen glitch up for about 1/2 second twice so far, but other than that it's been fine. I really do prefer the nav system in my Raptor though. Pretty much all the same functionality, but actual phsyical buttons to control all of the HVAC and radio additionally below the touch screen. Don't know why they had to move to all touch.

what does APIM stand for?

So far so good with ours, but I have noticed the screen glitch up for about 1/2 second twice so far, but other than that it's been fine. I really do prefer the nav system in my Raptor though. Pretty much all the same functionality, but actual phsyical buttons to control all of the HVAC and radio additionally below the touch screen. Don't know why they had to move to all touch.
Accessory Protocol Interface Module. In other words it is the 'brains' behind the SYNC system used in the Explorer.

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I'm pretty sure the hardware (APIM) Ford is using is just some complete and utter ****! Like I had to replace mine twice and then suddenly, I get another error last week of vca_app.exe having a serious error.

Also, it can be your phone causing some problems with the phone features. For example, my old phone had a bad bluetooth receiver and it would just mess up in connecting with MFT. When I got a 1980's T-Mobile phone, somehow it worked better. So the phone CAN be an issue.

When you have freezes and mess ups like that ,it has to be the APIM. What I notice is, when winter hits, problems occur (could be the temperature affecting the APIM?) and then what happens is that when summer comes by, MFT is so slow to respond like it's having a heat stroke.

The MFT in my sister's Fusion hasn't been acting up though so I hope it's just my Explorer.

If you get the APIM replaced, that would do it. Especially if you've been doing a master reset and it hasn't been working. I wonder if Ford is working on a PERMANENT fix?

this will be my second one when it is replaced....
I was going to buy a Transit Connect this week but decided to buy a Nissan NV200 instead because I am too worried about Ford Electronics....
I buy 4 vehicles every other year but at this point I don't think I can buy another Ford.

I have had the Apim done once...
I think I need to escalate..thanks for the kind words

If you'd like me to escalate this, sciond, please send me a private message with your VIN, dealership information, and best contact phone number.


this will be my second one when it is replaced....
I was going to buy a Transit Connect this week but decided to buy a Nissan NV200 instead because I am too worried about Ford Electronics....
I buy 4 vehicles every other year but at this point I don't think I can buy another Ford.

Well honestly, the Transit Connect is built in some factory in Europe so you'd be getting European quality craftsmanship anyway. The vans and trucks of Ford are way more reliable than anything else Ford, or not.
