pic of warrior shackles installed on 2nd gen? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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pic of warrior shackles installed on 2nd gen?


Well-Known Member
September 6, 2004
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City, State
Roanoke Va
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anyone have a picture of what the warrior shackles look like installed?

what im actually looking for is where the shackles are visible, not a picture of the explorer with the shackles done.

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they are visible below the truck... look where your current ones are..... now imagine them hanging down another 3"

this is a first gen, and hte rear splash chrome guards were cut off, but you can hopefully piece together the look....




holy crap...what the hell happened to that x, and why is it still sitting in front of someones house. :confused:

slravene said:
holy crap...what the hell happened to that x, and why is it still sitting in front of someones house. :confused:

haha its a first generation flintstone mobile

slravene said:
holy crap...what the hell happened to that x, and why is it still sitting in front of someones house. :confused:

Rolled and stripped for parts maybe? I don't know. There is no way the city would allow that for more than a few days here. :eek:

heres mine


  • IMG_1185.jpg
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  • IMG_1183.jpg
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actually i know the thread starter wanted second gen, but the explore rfrom the doors back were pretty much the same....

anyways, my truck was registered and driveable during the days of those pictures.....

hey jima....i think you have a flat tire man. :eek:
