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Picked up a new project

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You guys are funny :rolleyes:

She's coming down in a week and a half. Hopfully it will not rain anymore :(

Stic-o said:
She's coming down in a week and a half. Hopfully it will not rain anymore
I hope not either. I don't think it's supposed to though. Fricken weather people can't get it straight. Supposed to be 80* here the end of last week but it was low 60s and overcast. Then there was chances of rain today and it was hot, not a cloud in the sky and windy. :rolleyes:

Now we know who got the looks in the family, Steve! :p ;)

All our whining finally paid off! :thumbsup: Thanks.

Hey guys, this is the little sister... lol I finally joined. Thankx to everyone who helped with my truck, I really appreciate it. And thankx for fixing tha pic Fenderguy! That was awesome of you! I've found some people up here to go play with, so I might go soon... not sure.

Let me know if you need any help at all. I'm south of you here in Idaho so just say the word. :)

well glad to hear from ya. You're lucky to have a big bro and dad who would do something like this for ya. They're lucky that you appreciate the work also. My daughter(5) has told me more than once she doesn't want my truck :D Would love to hook up and go wheeling with a female that doesn't have her nose too high in the air to see where she's going for once. Hope you enjoy the truck and good luck with your school.

:chug: :chug:

Huntress said:
And thankx for fixing tha pic Fenderguy!
No worries. I mean the pic wasn't hard to look at before, ;) but i figured I'd make it a little better.

I happy to announce that Dawna (little sis) and her truck were united for the first time yesterday, however sence there has been a unforseen event that will prevent her for driving for another six months (I'll let her explain if she wants). We now have plenty of time to finish the project. This also means that we can do some stuff to my truck now. ;)

DWI? :chug:

It's been a few days......... Work Update???

BTW what happened with the "Stic-o Cam"?????

Jeff - :navajo:

SVO said:
It's been a few days......... Work Update???

BTW what happened with the "Stic-o Cam"?????

Jeff - :navajo:

My dad has been working on it all this week, he's on vacation so I'll get some new pics this weekend

As for "Stic-Cam"? ;) I will be doing some filming this weekend with it and you will see how cool it is. Just think of a camera you can stic anywhere on the truck, roof, fenders, under the axle.....anywhere. ;)

Yeah I have been wanting to do that with my camera, but even for a Sony Handi-Cam it's still a little bulky, and so I was thinking about a color security cameras with a cheap VHS VCR to record, with a swtiching box for the different secruity cameras, seeing as though my rig is equiped with 100v AC the VCR could be mounted under the front seat or somewhere out of the way securly.

That's basicly what i did ;) But now for more new pictures!

My dad was not happy with the rear tailgate piece :rolleyes:







I think it needs a Blue oval on it ;)

that new tailgate peice in awesome. i cont beleive that i havent seen more like that. good job. and i secong on the blue oval

YEA! The blue Oval would look nice! :thumbsup: I will be driving in less than 6 months, you dork! lol. jk. I just gotta go take the damn test... but now it'll be even harder to find a vehicle to take the test with, lol. OOPS! I forgot to take the blowdryer to the KISSFM sticker while I was there, lol. :banghead:

Well it appears the lil-sis has chimed in, and will be needing the truck sooner then we thought. So soon it will be back to the grind on the truck! ;)

Right after I install my locker! :p

any updates?

Truck has been on hold due to other projects but should be starting up soon ;)

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A chick that can work a stick (manual transmission) :thumbsup:
