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Rebuilding 5r55e for abuse


Elite Explorer
July 16, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
Now that finals are over, it's time to rebuild my old trans sitting in the shed. :D
Been searching on here, and google for performance parts as well as how to rebuild it (first time rebuilding a road worthy vehicle's trans lol) but can't find much.
So my questions are, what literature should I get to help me along? Or any online threads that are just as good?
And what parts should I be looking at? I have a broken OD band so I'll probably buy all new bands. But which ones should I get? 4x4 pan, and Superior shift kit are obvious. Anything else? I was thinking of a new TC, should I be?
Truck is a 4.0 OHV 4x2. Trans has almost 180,000 miles and has been beat on harder than you can imagine :D


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A factory ford manual is a good place to start if you plan on taking everything out and a nice depth micrometer.

As for parts I purchased everything for a small performance store and forgot the names of everything.

I can't find a decent price for any factory manuals :( is alldata good? Got a depth micrometer so I'm good there.

Nobody else? Time to start buying parts. Trans is getting disassembled this weekend

Get an ATSG 5R55E trans manual.

why 4x4 pan?

. . . And what parts should I be looking at? . . . 4x4 pan, and Superior shift kit are obvious. . . . Truck is a 4.0 OHV 4x2. . .

What are the advantages of installing the deeper 4x4 pan on a 2 wd transmission? Is it just for the larger filter and ATF capacity?

Larger capacity and I read it has baffles to help with sloshing. However it's only .3 more quarts so I'm considering other pans

4wd pan has no baffles, just a sump to help prevent slurping on steep grades.

Ah ok, thanks! I think I'm sold on the PML pan anyways
Has anyone ran into ground clearance issues with the PML pan? I've drug the frame rails so no way can the trans hang lower than the frame rails

also refer to Glaciers sticky 5r55e rebuild diary.

I'd also see if you cannot find the FORD 5R55 3 ring binder manual. It is the bible, and candidly extremely well done. They show up on E-Bay from time to time.

I've already got it torn apart, the ATSG manual is plenty good. I've read your thread a few times over lol so I remember a good bit from it.
Just waiting on these parts to get here so I can put it back together.

Rebuild kit FINALLY got here but I've got some concerns. The bands say A4LD, I thought it came with Borg Wagner clutches but it has "national transmission inc" parts. Seals feel kinda stiff, and the gaskets are all paper. Made by transtec. However there's a single Borg wamer clutch made in Korea...
The direct clutch outer lip seal is in a seperate bag with no name. Just says "1990-up except 1997-up" umm my truck is a 97.
Oh and there's a few pages from the ATSG manual... For the 4r55e.
Should I be sending this crap back?

Any opinions?
