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That must have been one LONG cord, or on a laptop

Nope!:D The mans got a computer in his truck. Open the glove box and there it is. He listens to tons of MP3 off the pc, and does not have a radio like all of us:rolleyes: Heck theres no FM or AM in that truck!:confused: It's still pretty cool though!;)

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:nono: Jefe after seeing the video I don't blame you for the roll over:rolleyes: It's not your fault your speed-o Don't work!:p

Originally posted by Stic-o
Nope!:D The mans got a computer in his truck. Open the glove box and there it is. He listens to tons of MP3 off the pc, and does not have a radio like all of us:rolleyes: Heck theres no FM or AM in that truck!:confused: It's still pretty cool though!;)
Jefe, how do you keep the harddrive from crashing??

All of john and my pics are up:
TDS 2004

The Group shot:

Originally posted by Stic-o
. . . It's not your fault your speed-o Don't work!:p
Well, actually. . .it does now :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Johnstone
Jefe, how do you keep the harddrive from crashing??
Its all in the suspension. :D Its a standard Western Digital 120G hard drive mounted vertically. . .no problems yet.

I just realized - BrianK will probably start looking for new wheeling partners - everyone else who shows up for thaven has rolled there!

So, Brian, what's the excuse?


I want to know why you guys saved the Extreme flopover stuff for the trip I didnt go on? Geesh....

Looks like fun, in a really sick and twisted way..

Next time next time...

Note to self: bring extra brake lights and bondo to Thaven.

I just realized - BrianK will probably start looking for new wheeling partners - everyone else who shows up for thaven has rolled there!

Yeah but that's not fair, you gotta give Brian credit he really tried last T-haven trip. Besides if would have rolled it then we never would have been able to top him.:D

Originally posted by Stic-o
Yeah but that's not fair, you gotta give Brian credit he really tried last T-haven trip. Besides if would have rolled it then we never would have been able to top him.:D

And less than a year later, what did Rick do?

I hope this doesn't scare off Brian.. :D

You Guys don't scare me, and that is what really scares me!

Nah thats just cause your CHP! what ever we can do out there You've seen worse I'm sure.;)

Hey Brian are we gonna do a Big Bear run again once the snow melts a little? :bounce:

Originally posted by Stic-o
Hey Brian are we gonna do a Big Bear run again once the snow melts a little? :bounce:
I was just thinking that today! Maybe mid-April???

I can never find the group out there....
Atleast ,last year I met about 5 or so, of you... I looked all over too. Glad to see everyone had fun. My truck ran great! Maiden voyage of the new 5.0 . Everything was awesome. I did get some pics, but I still have to download them. I will get them on here real soon. On Sunday right before we left, I had to get some pics so we went on a little short run to flex the truck a bit and I couldnt help myself any longer..... I jumped the truck off a pretty big jump and ended up breaking a motor mount. So My uncle towed me in with my mothers jeep and I trailered it home. So as soon as I get a new motor mount in I will be driving again! They tried to take a pic for me but it didnt come 0ut very good. I should have recorded a video clip of it on my camera instead so we wouldnt have missed the big jump.

I was just thinking that today! Maybe mid-April???

April mite be tuff for me but with planning it will be fine. Mid is best, Late I have a My Sis's wedding and going to Hawaii, and first weekend Is My B-day and 1st Aniversery

Here is a flex shot.... Not all the way flexed


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coming down a pretty steep hill with lots of ruts


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going up the same hill... I am right in the spot where all the ruts are.... But I got right through it with out any trouble


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    going up a big hill.jpg
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I managed to escape TDS with only a broken U-bolt which i didn't know was even broken til I got home:eek:

My buddy Tim went up to Big Bear a couple of weekends ago just after a storm and he said it was awsome up there wheeling in the snow. I'm sure the snow is melting pretty fast now that the temps have jumped, it
was 97 out here much for spring!
