Show off your mud | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Show off your mud

I will post some pics for ya when i get home from work. However you may want to also focus on other aspects other than mud. Like beaches that are only 4x4 accessable. Or Desert trucks. I have a couple Snowblizzard pics too.

...just a thought to appeal to multiple audiences...:thumbsup:

ya i know I'msa workin' on it

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come out anytime you want theres about 5 Km of trails and few mudholes like that one. might be a bit of a drive from NJ

Isn't everywhere a bit of a drive from Jersey? lol









Maybe one of these can help..


Hey- it's what I can tolerate! :D

Ah, the irony makes sense now, doesn't it... ;)

Ok here is a couple of pics. Some mud, some snow, some sand, and a little rock.


  • P9030046_lgweb.jpg
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    got it!!_lgweb.jpg
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this was at mud bulls and misic


  • Our Car.jpg
    Our Car.jpg
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  • Beautiful and showing a great time lol.jpg
    Beautiful and showing a great time lol.jpg
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  • Our car 2.jpg
    Our car 2.jpg
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Ever notice how many more :thumbsup:s or "Rock On" hand gestures you get when your 4x4 is caked in mud verses when your just another shiny 4x4 truck.

I'm serious, when this truck is like the above pic verses when it looks it's finest as when it just rolled out of a car wash on a late evening with the water making that Satin Black look *****in coupled with the Amber running lights reflecting in the paint. The Mud wins hands down.
Thats unless your the Justin Bieber kind lol

I'm serious, when this truck is like the above pic verses when it looks it's finest as when it just rolled out of a car wash on a late evening with the water making that Satin Black look *****in coupled with the Amber running lights reflecting in the paint. The Mud wins hands down.
Thats unless your the Justin Bieber kind lol

but when you're that old and can afford a what? Fisker? yeah...

Oh teacher, you want to know where I got my pictures and inspiration? here you go:

Gonter, Kevin, and ExplorerForum Community. "Show off Your Mud." - Ford Explorer Ranger Enthusiasts "Serious Explorations"®. 20 Apr. 2012. Web. 20 Apr. 2012. <>.

Stuff it lady, this is the part of the year where I stopped caring. Don't think I'm the author of the thread? guess what? I started it.

Sorry, long day at work but look! you're all relatively cited for your contributions and helpful ideas

Probably in the wrong place, but the forum gods will move it if it is.

I couldn't figure out a good subforum match for this either..... it belongs here as well as anywhere else :) Keep the photos coming :thumbsup:

I couldn't figure out a good subforum match for this either..... it belongs here as well as anywhere else :) Keep the photos coming :thumbsup:

I was totally confused trying to find a place, so I just stuck it here

Not much compared to otherS here lol

hey its something!

How bout mud and snow?


Or maybe a muddy video? Click to watch


Suv's aren't just for offroading, i drive mine to work everyday


you can, and the project is now done. keep them coming just for fun though...

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