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Stic-o's New front Bumper

I think it looks pretty good. It may just be the angle, but it looks like if you mounted the bumper on the main bar, it would interfere with the headlights. You could try mounting the lights like this (like Jefe said):


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Nice bumper, If your going to keep the lights inside the hoop how about as low as possible, and close to the uprights, this would give a wider space between them. Or on the bumper itself right next to the outside of the hoop.

Looks good, but the lights need to go under. You can buy some weld on light tabs at most off road retailers. Now all you need to do is find a brand new winch lying around unused in someone's garage who is willing to sell it to you for cheap......oh wait, that was Jefe. :D

What are you going to do about side protection? You could weld sides right onto that bumper and it would work great...maybe some 2X2" square tubing?? That way, you cold keep your approach angle. I ended up cutting off the mounts on my bumper and pushing inward two inches to make it line up right.

BKennedy said:
Looks good, but the lights need to go under. You can buy some weld on light tabs at most off road retailers. Now all you need to do is find a brand new winch lying around unused in someone's garage who is willing to sell it to you for cheap......oh wait, that was Jefe. :D

What are you going to do about side protection? You could weld sides right onto that bumper and it would work great...maybe some 2X2" square tubing?? That way, you cold keep your approach angle. I ended up cutting off the mounts on my bumper and pushing inward two inches to make it line up right.

I'm thinking on just getting a couple of short pieces of 2x4 and run a few inches back tords the tires. I want to get the sliders, locker and rear bumper done first though.

as for the lights? I'm going to move them no question! There are already mounting holes drilled in the diamond plate, but I think they will block some of my head lights :rolleyes: I have to find out. You can see the holes in the picture below. It looks like I maybe able to drill some holes closer to the center.



You could cut off those ugly A%# light tabs that are on there and it looks to me like those lights would clear the headlights if put on the diamond plate as far inward as possible. Your right, sliders first cause we all know you are gonna need them.

BKennedy said:
You could cut off those ugly A%# light tabs that are on there and it looks to me like those lights would clear the headlights if put on the diamond plate as far inward as possible. Your right, sliders first cause we all know you are gonna need them.

Yeah I'll try tonight to move them. There's one other thing that I have to do before the sliders this weekend. The Locker arrives tommorow ;) and the new diff cover on thursday. :D

Stic-o said:
Yeah I'll try tonight to move them. There's one other thing that I have to do before the sliders this weekend. The Locker arrives tommorow ;) and the new diff cover on thursday. :D
So when's the test run :bounce:

On the lights, I'd put them on the main tube, just inside the hoop. But thats just me.

Jefe said:
So when's the test run :bounce:

We'll see, I just found out I have to go help my dad pick up another Zuki on saturday. Now he's talking crazy abot his plams for it:confused: Somthin about D44, 9" with 36's & SOHC or 5.0 to boot. I've created a monster :eek:

I did re-mount the lights :rolleyes:


looks awesome stic-o i give it :thumbsup: :thumbsup: 2 thumbs up keep up the good work

that bumper is cool. but i think it would look beter on a 91 94 ex. what winch is gunna be on it?

Jefe said:
Knowing Stic-o I'm guessing its going to be the invisible kind. . .at least for a few years. :p

That is correct ;) Although I've been try'n to talk my dad out of his 9k lbs. Ramsey, that he never uses.

That thing makes me want to steal your truck and go hit something with it.

I almost nailed a 4 Runner this morning....I hate to see the person who runs a red light and I center punch them :nono:

Stic-o said:
I almost nailed a 4 Runner this morning....I hate to see the person who runs a red light and I center punch them :nono:
Hopefully that never happens but it would be an interesting outcome.

Hopefully that never happens but it would be an interesting outcome.

Trust me, I know that outcome! When I had my Ranger I had a Duff pre-runner bumper on it. Some one pulled out and I totled there truck...Mine? I cracked a turning indicator :D

What do you guys think of this? :rolleyes:


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Stic-o said:
What do you guys think of this? :rolleyes:
I'm not diggin it. not enough there for how far it sticks out.

And you need to do some body work to that grill, that looks horrible :p

EDIT: eh, on second thought its not that bad. not sure which I like better though.
