Super Swamper for my Trailer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Super Swamper for my Trailer?


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
So when I got Tdavis's old trailer, two tires were good shape but some of the other were not to much longer for this world:rolleyes: So I thought I should get new tires. About a year ago Interco came out with a trailer tire, and at a pretty good price too!!!:thumbsup: I special orderd them through 4WP for $57 each.;) I ordered 4 new tire and will use one of the ones on the trailer for a spare, and give the other good tire to my dad for a spare. I also ordered some new wheels (same as pic below) so I will have all matching wheels. Instead of 3 different ones:confused:


8 Ply
27.1" tall
65psi max
2150lbs. max load

More info on the Trailer Trac Here

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they should 15x6, with 5x5 bolt pattern..

That is correct:thumbsup: You need one Matt?

What patern? I'll keep a eye out. I ordered my wheels from There pretty cheap Cost me about $150 for 4 wheels shipped.;)

Ill have to look when I get home next time. I have two of my old trailer tires for spares i just need rims.

Can I just say.... I love Interco! and hate 4wp! :mad:

So 4wp basicly dosn't have a truck picking up from Interco to pick up tires right now, so they told me it would take another 3+ weeks to get my tires:mad:

So I called Interco, and asked what they could do for me. I told them I needed tires, and could not wait the 3+ weeks for 4wp.

Interco is shipping them to me directly..via UPS, and they are leaving the fatory today! They also gave me a cheaper price then 4wp, and including shipping it's only costing me $30 bucks more. :thumbsup: Awesome Customer Service!!

4wp on the other hand?:rolleyes: I ordered them on line and had them sent the store to save on shipping. I have to cancel through the store...when the manger is there, and the sales person said there could be a charge for the cancellation. WHAT!!!:fire: There still sitting in a factory in Louisana!!!:rant:

No charge from 4wp to cancel order;):thumbsup:

Both times I had good experience with 4WP when getting tires. When I bought my LTBs they had two in stock so I took them with me and had the other 2 shipped to my house from the seattle store for $10 a tire and it took em 2 days to arrive at my house, second time after I sliced up one of them I bought another to replace it and use the sliced as a spare, took 2 days again from seattle to arrive. Of course I was dealing with the actual store instead of online but I wont hesitate to buy tires from them again.

Got the tires yesterday and had them mounted today on the wheels. I'll get some pics as soon as I put them on the Trailer. They seem like a nice pattern though:thumbsup: I had the balance them (normally you don't trailer tires) and 2 of the 4 did not need any weights, the rest took very little:cool:

nice, for the record, I shopped pretty hard for trailer tires and found Costco had the best radials for the best price. I paid $57 or $67 (can't remember) for the tires mounted. Similar tire at local shops was $85 plus install.

I'm all about radials based off the info I found.

Got the tires yesterday and had them mounted today on the wheels. I'll get some pics as soon as I put them on the Trailer. They seem like a nice pattern though:thumbsup: I had the balance them (normally you don't trailer tires) and 2 of the 4 did not need any weights, the rest took very little:cool:

That's a pretty good ratio considering they're from Interco!
