TDS 2012 March 2-4 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TDS 2012 March 2-4

Hi Guys, Ralph and I are now here. We are about 1 mile or so past the Tower going toward 86. There is a lot of wind blo

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ing. We are in green and gray Class A Motor accompanied by 2 Heeps. One is silver and the other burgundy. The TDS headquarters is about 2.6 miles east of us. Hope to see you guys tomorrow. The Heeps both have Plates saying FAKRWEE. note.

wing......I was just finishing Tom's sentence.

We should be out there tomorrow after dark.

BKennedy said:
wing......I was just finishing Tom's sentence.

We should be out there tomorrow after dark.

Should I have dinner ready?

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Tom, I met a friend of my parents for the first time yesterday. He was telling me about a custom plate he had made for a classic car of his. I told him the story of the FAKRWEE plate, and he got a real kick out of it.

Get's better... He knows a guy here in AZ who started a subdivision called "FAKRWEE Estates"! Gotta love it!!

ing. We are in green and gray Class A Motor accompanied by 2 Heeps. One is silver and the other burgundy. The TDS headquarters is about 2.6 miles east of us. Hope to see you guys tomorrow. The Heeps both have Plates saying FAKRWEE. note.

See you guys around 2pm tomorrow, I have a little firewood to bring but not much.

It was really windy last night and they said it would be windy today as well but it's calm as can be. Perfect weather actually:D

The firewood I have isn't season.

Friday night training is still going on now. I will head out EARLY tomorrow morning

(which means you guys will probably still be sleeping off the late night campfire, GRRRR!)

Just got back...good to see Tom, Brian (and co.) and John albeit briefly. Sorry John nobody won anything at the raffle in our group.
I brought out a guy (Ray) who posted on Pirate that he wanted to go to TDS. Ray is visiting in my area from Canada so I thought what the heck, i'll bring him out. He was a good guy to hang out with, just too bad he didn't have his CJ with 454, rockwells and 47's with him:eek:

Had to say goodbye this morning to just Tom's cousin Ralph since he was the only one up. Tom's jeep was having problems with the front locker not disengaging. He flat tows it behind the RV so the axles need to be freewheeling. Looks like he'll have to have it towed on a flatbed which put a wrench in his plans for the weekend. Hope you got things taken care of Tom.

Woke up this morning to Dave and Ray gone, and it was already 70 degrees. Nice, warm days, cool nights, perfect weather.

As always, TDS is a busy trip with not much down time. I always come home tired from TDS. Had a bunch of short runs on Saturday, none on Sunday. Went to the notches or ditches Saturday night to watch all the crazies. TDS seems to be getting overun with Baja plated monster trucks. I don't mind, but the Mexican flags and polka music is a little irritating.

Got back from TDS a while ago. Glad to see two good friends and do some wheeling. TDS was crazy being the 50 anniversary. Had some rig trouble but cheap price to do wheeling with beautiful weather I'm going back this week after I get my rig back.

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