Tierra Del Sol (TDS) Anyone?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tierra Del Sol (TDS) Anyone??


Elite Loser
Staff member
Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
I am planning on going out for TDS weekend with my buddy who has been out with us before (green J%^p).

It's the first weekend of March.

Anyone planning on coming??



Mike Kelley (Bkennedy's friend, who has not figured out how to join the board)
Dan Benevides (Ditto)


Brother of Jefe

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I'd love to, but no way..


man, I almost made it. I had the weekend off till today. I'll be working in St. Marteen, VI on Friday the 5th. It's only a 4 hour speech but I need the bread. It sucks. That's Rick's and my B'day. :mad::rolleyes:

Ralph my cousin will be coming over for a couple of weeks after we do Moab. That'll be the last week of May 28-29 and the first week of June 4-5:thumbsup:. For sure we're open for those weekends.

I'll probably be there with my bronco... if i can get it fixed in time (blew up the front diff and i dont have any time off that isn't already spoken for between now and then to fix it) i'll have to work on it evenings... but if i'm there look for this:


there is a very very slight possibility i'll have my supercharged explorer project done by then.. in which case i may be there with it.. but it's not likely

bringing the Bunny too?:p:

ooooooooo baked bunny for dinner? lol

The Chief Family Officer has informed me that if I am in town that weekend I have to be a good uncle and go to my nephew's birthday party.

So, lets review;

So far, we have three "No" a "Very unlikely", and a thread hijacker talking about baked bunny wabbit.

We are going to camp up on the mesa or where we camped in January. We should be parked somewhere along the edge. We will be arriving Friday evening and departing somtime Sunday. Whomever wants to come by, please feel free. That is all.

lol mmmmmmmmm bunny rabbit
we are planning on going if I can find a locker for the 91 in time.

and I thought Rick said he was going???

lol mmmmmmmmm bunny rabbit
we are planning on going if I can find a locker for the 91 in time.

and I thought Rick said he was going???
I got two lockers, just bring a strap:)

I got two lockers, just bring a strap:)

Currently no straping spots! Dang pre-runner bumpers!
just ordered a locker heres hoping it gets here in time.

Currently no straping spots! Dang pre-runner bumpers!
just ordered a locker heres hoping it gets here in time.
Okay, don't you have a welder? Just weld on some tow hooks and lets wheel':cool:

I'm not registered this year. If I do go, it will be a last minute thing.

I'm not registered this year. If I do go, it will be a last minute thing.
That would be great if you would.
Then we could have; Green J&*p, White Explorer, Green J&*p, White Explorer!............and a Blue Samari.

That would be great if you would.
Then we could have; Green J&*p, White Explorer, Green J&*p, White Explorer!............and a Blue Samari.

Guess i will show up and screw up that master plan :p:

Guess i will show up and screw up that master plan :p:

Okay, you can just hang back a little more than usual.:biggthump

Everybody know where we are camping?

whose bringin' the Sami?

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