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Tikis by RangerX

..I know his tiki's show up at most of the trail runs destined for all over...:scratch:...With some planning, it could happen...:D

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hey rangerX could you refer me to a tiki carving startup site? I have a tree in front of my house that I have to lob off. It's not palm just a good old north dakota tree that is about 1.5 feet in diameter. I kinda wanna carve it and leave it in the ground. any help would be gracious.

I don't know a site that has how to videos or anything, but you could look around at www.tikicentral.com.
I'm on there, and if you go to the carving forum, there's lots of info if you look around.
Good luck!

I don't know a site that has how to videos or anything, but you could look around at www.tikicentral.com.
I'm on there, and if you go to the carving forum, there's lots of info if you look around.
Good luck!

I spent some time there and it's like this site, overwhelming at first. I'll go back to it later. I also found a video on you tube where someone walks you thru it but I couldn't watch it where I am when I have internet (oil rig) because the internet and computers suck. thanks for the heads up!!! yo inspired all of this!!!

..I know his tiki's show up at most of the trail runs destined for all over...:scratch:...With some planning, it could happen...:D

I don't think anyone is driving to Moab thats on the east coast other than GJarrett.. Not to mention he's a good 800 miles away from me atleast.

I just had my website redone, take a look! www.firemountaintikis.com.

Here's a couple pics of one I did last month. She's 5'6", and now lives in the bay area. The vampire fangs were by customer request.


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Bill, Colin---Quick question, is the lumber for these expensive? We just had a big storm roll through phoenix and took down a bunch of trees. I know someone who lost a large palm tree.

I thought of you guys when I offered remove it for her. Is it worth much? Should I get that thing and go to town and try to make my very own tiki? I got a grinder, torch and a kitchen full of knives.

If I rember most if not all is free! :D Bill has a deal with some tree trimers.

They cut them down from peoples houses, and don't have to take them to the dump (they charge by weight) and Bill lets them dump them in his yard, to make Tiki's after they dry out enough:thumbsup:

Here's a couple pics of one I did last month. She's 5'6", and now lives in the bay area. The vampire fangs were by customer request.

Boobies and fangs :scratch: ..... I hope you didn't have to meet that customer in person.

Gerald, I DID meet her in person.:eek: actually, she's a nice 50-something woman. :confused:

Dan, here's an idea. I can guide you step by step over the internet how to carve this log, and that will be the tiki that I owe you! :p::bsnicker:
Seriously, find out what kind of palm. The only kind worth carving IMO are mex fan palm. If that's what it is, and it's more than 20-30' tall, snag a piece and hack away!

Mike, thanks for posting that!

Mike lives in Rhode Island, so now I can say my tikis are literally coast to coast! :cool:


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This is the beginning of what will become "Froader's Fountain". ;) I'm still rough carving it, and it should be done be the weekend. It stands 5' 8", and is just Part 1. :D


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...That is going to be sweet...:biggthump

Ted, are you familiar with his plan?

...We haven't talked about it for a few months, so if it hasn't changed I am...or, are you needing dimensions???

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Part 1 finished.


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