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i'm going to keep my truck

i'm also going to be posting a whole heck of alot more again as there are now a million new things i have to learn in order to do everything i want.


lay body
tonneau cover mounted reverse (so it the front folds up) w. plexi window showing amp rack
keep the front suicide, rear pass suicice and tailgate door configuration
400/450 hp/tq

major stumbling points-

z front or body drop entire truck (rear suspension will be fairly easy- just weld in all new at height desired, front not so much to get it down further as front crossmember is on ground and body isn't!)

rollcage type bracing system to replace strength lost by removing roof. probably with hoops behind each front seat with seat belt harnesses (and this can't ruin the simple lines etc.)

about 20,000 other things i'm not sure about yet





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I'm not big on the whole 'lowered' look, and I never come over into the sport truck forum, but that looks freaking awesome!!!
I love it already, and you've barely started.

A big :thumbsup:

....This is a must watch...:popcorn:

this is going to be it for a while

cutting the top off will hopefully push me over the edge into wanting to keep it vs. buying something older etc.

it will still be a lot of slow going as many other things are higher priorities, but i expect this to look pretty cool next spring (certainly not done)

Nice Drew, and where did the idea come from? Did someone get happy with a sawzall one night? Are you set on seats yet? Regards,


  • DC2 Explorer seat.JPG
    DC2 Explorer seat.JPG
    24.2 KB · Views: 1,410

my plan all along was to buy something older and make it a roadster using many of the Explorer's parts

got the explorer out of storage yesterday and during the 2 hr drive to my new place decided it was about as good a starting point as anything else

the two reasons it won't be done in 6 months-


edit- need to be clear the reason's are the car and the girl (not Mr. Daniel Schuenke there on the right)

All I've got to say is wow...:eek:

Were you just bored one night in your garage with the sawzall, or what?:D
Never seen anybody use one of those on a windshield before, either:p:

This project should be neat when done..and defiantly original. I don't think anybody has ever done a topless street explorer before.

Nice Drew, and where did the idea come from? Did someone get happy with a sawzall one night? Are you set on seats yet? Regards,

i am not set with those seats- will probably change to something else a bit taller actually

The seat I showed is available in at least three colors from Summit, that one is from an eBay seller.

link to the seats?

pretty much done with this car and excited about new camera so some pics















Nikon D40 on full auto with the "kit" lens

That is a nice camera, they keep getting smaller and better etc. That seat I discovered on eBay seems to be virtually the same as this from Summit; SUM~G1159G&Ntk=KeywordSearch&rsview=sku&Ns=
My interior is the lighter gray, but the black version looks better to me. It's hard to gauge the size by how they take measurements, but the mounting base seems very close to the OEM Explorer size(power).

How's this going?

I thought this was interesting..reminded me of your project.
It's certainly..interesting. I haven't decided yet if I like it or not..


there's my answer for how this is going, heh.

I'm saving money for tools and tackling other things in life which should help me to get going on this as well.

Good stuff. This will be interesting, that is for sure.

I'm getting the big popcorn ready. This will take a while. :D
Very gutsy move. Props to you. :thumbsup: The X will turnout to be super super nice or end up getting junked. Good luck to you bro. I hope to pick up a few pointers along the way. ;)

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