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Photos Truck Haven 2004 Photos

Truck Haven Staturday stock run

:)Hey Gopher, I got about 30 pictures of the Saturday stock run. I can e-mail them to you and may-be you can forward to any one else that wants them. Let me know! I'd like to get some of yours even though I'am not Elite either. If you would please e-mail them to me. Thanks!

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Send a PM to either Rick or Tdavis.. I'm sure one of them would be more than willing to help you get them on the THaven 04 gallery.

Love the video Stic-o.. What software do you use?

Found a couple's tdavis and Sammy


  • tom.jpg
    44.9 KB · Views: 351

...and DiffWackDaddy on the same spot


  • kevin.jpg
    52.7 KB · Views: 350

Bill, is that just before the hole of death? :D

Thank You!

Love the video Stic-o.. What software do you use?

I used Pinnacle Studio 8.

Glad you all like it.:D

Thanks Jefe!;)

Very nice Stic-o:chug: That was a lot of fun;)

Stic-O, major props on the video!

410Fortune, I am still editing the pics and getting them in zip files to send to Tom or Rick. I just dont have the kind of space to host all those pics. My wife is helping with this project. Hopefully the will be sent off soon.

Can't wait till the next run. Hopefully by the end of April/May time frame the ex will be back for full service.

What media format did you open it with. Mine just said it couldn't find something, and just got rid of the whole 10 minute download?


Originally posted by Blaine122300
What media format did you open it with. Mine just said it couldn't find something, and just got rid of the whole 10 minute download?

1. Right click the link and select Save As. That way you don't have that problem again.

2. On the 9 Meg version you'll need the DivX codec installed to play it.

GREAT video Stic-O...thanks:D

Sweet video! Wish i could have went!


Thanx for sharing a slice of life with us that not many had the oppertunity to go on.

It looks like you guys had a blast of a time, mabey 2005 could be a reality.

Thanx to all whom shared thier photos with all of us you guys rock!

I'm jealous.. Too bad there isn't something similar on the East Coast. Hopefully I'll be able to take vacation around the time for T-haven one year. As of right now, thats too long of a trip for me.. Over 2600 miles for me.

Awesome video, man, that looks like a great time... That's some crazy drivin', great pictures, and video. Wow! One day when I got my truck set up, I'm coming down there for sure...

Originally posted by Blee1099
I'm jealous.. Too bad there isn't something similar on the East Coast. Hopefully I'll be able to take vacation around the time for T-haven one year. As of right now, thats too long of a trip for me.. Over 2600 miles for me.

There's always the "fly into a local airport (Palm Springs), and grab a seat with someone" option..

AWESOME VIDEO. Good job Stic-o!

Hey FYI fella's the Sami was 3wd in that video, Tom sheared some studs on his hub assembly and ran 3wd most the weekend as he lead us through the mazes....

I am wondering why I am at work and not out there right now doing it again :)

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Hey FYI fella's the Sami was 3wd in that video, Tom sheared some studs on his hub assembly and ran 3wd most the weekend

Actually in the Video where he races up the hill. He had not blown the hub yet. That was the first day on Friday. It was just Tom, Rick, Jefe, and me, (in Jefe's truck)

