What did you do this weekend? Participation required | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What did you do this weekend? Participation required

Did some cleaning

Cleaned her, waxed her, and shined her up. And repainted both bumper as they were beat when I got her. Also paintd the rims since they got pretty beat up floating around the garage for a year.
She's a beauty

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I'm house/dog sitting for my eldest daughter. She asked me if I would look at/change the front brake pads on her 2013 Honda Accord. Normally I would have told her no, as I told her not to ask me to work on her Japanese car when she bought it, but I figured what the heck, I'll be there and bored anyway.

Huge mistake! Turns out her stupid model has some weird size front brake pads that had to be special ordered. Tried 3 different auto parts stores and was told the same thing. AutoZone is closest to her house, so I ordered them there on Friday morning and was told they'd be in the next day after 12:30. Okay, pulled the tires, calipers and old shoes off Friday afternoon figuring it would make the job go faster.

Today (Sat) AutoZone does not call me to tell me my pads are in. At 1:15 I call them and after keeping me on hold for 5 mins, I'm told they're not in yet. By 3:30 still no call, so I call AZ back. After keeping me on hold for another 3 mins, I'm told "sorry the pads wont be in until next Tuesday" (the day after I return home). I was pissed and gave them holy hell! The manager said she was sorry and asked what I wanted her to do? I told her she didn't want me to tell her what I wanted her to do and I hung up. Fortunately they hadn't charged me for the special order, because they're computer hung up, so it least I don't have to go back there to get my money back.

I just got done reinstalling the old brake pads (probably good for another 10-15K) in the 95 degree sun. Now I'm all sweaty and need a shower and a beer.

My daughter can now take her car to Honda and pay $200 for a $45 brake job. No good deed goes unpunished...

Working on extracting the engine from my 1960 Dodge.

My daughter can now take her car to Honda and pay $200 for a $45 brake job. No good deed goes unpunished...

That does suck :(

Realigned my cross bars on the roof. (previous owner had the rear one way forward). My semi OCD mind had enough, so I moved the one all the way towards the rear. Now they are equally spaced. :-)

Wash and wax and did a nice good cabin clean - wiped her down in all the nooks and crannies, and scrubbed out the Husky Liners real good. No pics, but she looks real good!

Realigned my cross bars on the roof. (previous owner had the rear one way forward). My semi OCD mind had enough, so I moved the one all the way towards the rear. Now they are equally spaced. :)

I think we're "brothers from a different mother". I did the same thing on my '00 XLT when I got it. Wrong direction on one of the x-bars and unequal spacing was bugging me.

93 degrees with a heat index of 101, so I topped off the a/c in both trucks. The black '01 was nice and cool coming home from playing softball this afternoon! Nice improvement over yesterday.

My daughter stopped by wanting me to top off the a/c in her 2005 Ford 500, but the port is too big for the DIY kits. Did they change sizes on the ports? And the photos online of where the port is, look nothing like under the hood of her car.

I finished the mini refridgator a few weeks ago, built myself a work bench straighten up my barn. I will be posting pictures. I have been buying woodworking tools and thinking about upgrading the inside of the 04 sport trac wood inside the truck, door panels, dash accents maybe evening the ceiling.

93 degrees with a heat index of 101, so I topped off the a/c in both trucks. The black '01 was nice and cool coming home from playing softball this afternoon! Nice improvement over yesterday.

My daughter stopped by wanting me to top off the a/c in her 2005 Ford 500, but the port is too big for the DIY kits. Did they change sizes on the ports? And the photos online of where the port is, look nothing like under the hood of her car.

Does the '05 owner's manual say it takes R134A? I would assume it would. Look for another smaller port. I had a Pontiac that had like 3 ports, but only one fit the recharge hose (of course it was the most obscure, hardest one to get at).

I looked for another port, but only saw this one with the black cap that was too big - and right where you couldn't miss it, and a small one with a green cap that's not accessible when the engine is hot.

I looked for another port, but only saw this one with the black cap that was too big - and right where you couldn't miss it, and a small one with a green cap that's not accessible when the engine is hot.

IIRC the high pressure port is larger diameter than the low pressure port. When the engine is cool, try the green capped port for size. BTW, I don't go by the color of the plastic cap. Sometimes they're blue, sometimes there green, sometimes they're red, sometimes they're black and often they're just missing. It doesn't seem to mean anything.

There's a third port somewhere. I saw something on the web just before I went to bed last night that said it's near the firewall behind or under "a module that slides out for access." The small port with the green cap corresponds to the one near the radiator cap on the STs.

  • My daughter stopped by wanting me to top off the a/c in her 2005 Ford 500, but the port is too big for the DIY kits. Did they change sizes on the ports? And the photos online of where the port is, look nothing like under the hood of her car.
I'm SURE you've seen this, but just in case.


Yes, but her car doesn't look like that. That small reservoir is on the driver's side on her car. Something else is in that area.

OOPS! Her car does look like that. Found the port - back there next to the firewall, and well below the top of the engine. You'd never see it unless you knew it was supposed to be there.

Being 96 degrees, I decided it's probably safe to take the snow brush out of the truck, so I did.

And being 96 degrees without a cloud in the sky, I listened to that inner voice and went to the salvage yard. I went looking for a tailgate for my truck, knowing it was very unlikely I'd find one. I was right, but I came across a fresh '01 Sport. I got the "tool tray", factory bug deflector, both headlights, both front corner lights, 1 fog light, and a nearly perfect console lid in the correct shade of dark gray. It's only nearly perfect because there's a chip out of the plastic on the bottom side and the latches are broken, but the vinyl top is perfect. All for $85.

The Sport took a hard hit right on the driver's side tow hook, bending the frame and breaking the bumper cover, but the sheet metal is all straight, the interior is very good except for the airbags, and the 136,000 mile Job 1 engine had recently been detailed. I thought about the hood because it's black like my '01, but the finish is badly faded and rubbed off. Might go back on a cooler day & get more parts, like the console (have one, but the wrong shade), fenders, cruise control components (which I could get cheap).

spent my first father's day taking the family to the Marin Headlands in the early morning to get a nice walk/hike in, and then had breakfast at horseshoe cove under the golden gate bridge. it was unusually warm this morning so we parked under a tree and had breakfast.



i dont get to take her out as much with the kid still in his infant stages, but that will give me time to make some much needed upgrades and repairs. most are cosmetic, i need to get a new windshield, repaint my bumpers and cladding after five years of beatings on the road and off, im going to need some new treads probably by the end of the year, and i would like to carry one my 4WD/SAS conversion which i was just starting to get into right at hte time that my wife got pregnant and my mom passing away. i hope by the end of the year that i can at least source most of the main parts i will need for the conversion.

^ That is a really great photo, especially for Father's Day!

My wife and I used to live in SF and know that exact location.

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thanks duane, im SF born and raised, i live out in the burbs now (gentrification casualty), but i love living outside the city now. its great to work and drive in for all the cool things it has to offer, but i love coming home to a quiet neighborhood with lots of room and chepa cost. worth the 45 minute commute!
