where is the AIT sensor??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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where is the AIT sensor???


Well-Known Member
July 1, 2005
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Jackson, MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 explorer xls
I was trying to install one of those "computer chips" that modified your ecu input, bla, bla, bla to get more power (yes, yes, i know, i know.... call bama chips, call bama chips... BUT I'M BROKE!!!!)... anyway... install went ok but after the 1rst couple of runs the "check engine light" came on... I followed the "what went wrong" rescue sequence and the light went away for a while but it came right back...

i emailed the guy who sold the item and he said the only thing that he could think off is that i installed the chip to the wrong sensor...

the chip is supposed to "bridge" the input/output between the AIT sensor and the ECU.... well I thought the AIT sensor was the one right next to air intake "sucking end" .... am i wrong?

does anyone know where the AIT sensor is located for a 2001 x sport???


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I am nor familiar with the term AIT. Do you mean the intake air temperature sensor?

i believe the air intake sensor..Or AIT as some call it.

Yeah, I imagine he's talking about the IAT (intake air temp) sensor

The sensor just after the air filter is both the MAF (mass airflow) sensor and the IAT in one.

Jefe said:
Yeah, I imagine he's talking about the IAT (intake air temp) sensor

That being the case, the IAT sensor on my '99 is built into the NAF, not sure about his.

Intake Air Temp Sensor... i guess i'm dislexic (or however you write it)

sorry about that...

Yes, it is the Intake Air Temp sensor... actually the manufacturer of the chip said that some cars have a "combo" sensor... I guess the IAT and MAF???

I called ford to ask this and they want to charge me some $$$ (ain't that something??? )

i checked carefully and the only sensor that i found was the one as described before... other than that, i think the nearest sensor in the intake line would be somewhere inside the engine where the intake pipe comes into??? i don't know

Maybe this will help you.

I will take a picture of the actual plug in a few minutes.


  • 83221591.gif
    16.3 KB · Views: 12,322

As promised, here is a picture of an old 6 wire MAF plug.


  • wire.jpg
    15.3 KB · Views: 5,472

The check engine light might be from your fuel running too lean or you o2's acting up. Could you tell a difference in power?

you didnt get one of those e-bay special resistor type " chips " did you ?

BeauJ said:
The check engine light might be from your fuel running too lean or you o2's acting up. Could you tell a difference in power?
sure did... if you were standing at a red light and tried to punch it hard, the torque/hp was none existing, it took for ever to get to 2500 rpm and/or 40 mph, but the after that, there was a little kick and rpm rev'd up quick... shifting was al a mess, too.

MONMIX said:
you didnt get one of those e-bay special resistor type " chips " did you ?
don't know since i'm not electronics expert, but i think i know what you are talking about... probable yes, since it was cheap (about $30.00)...

i saw what they had on ebay, and i thought i should have gone with one of those $5.99 ones... if results were going to be the same.

rama1200 said:
yup... just like that... that was a nice schematic drawing where did you find it??

He has everything lol

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rama1200 said:
don't know since i'm not electronics expert, but i think i know what you are talking about... probable yes, since it was cheap (about $30.00)...

i saw what they had on ebay, and i thought i should have gone with one of those $5.99 ones... if results were going to be the same.

You can't make chicken salad out of chicken s***, no matter how much mayonnaise you use.
