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"Will This Work"

Think this will work?

Last picture is Winter's new work-out equipment


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Ok! here are some picture's. The first two photo's are of the 40" tire mounted on the rear. We plan on useing a 37" tire as our spare, but we needed to also use a 40" tire to know where that tire height would be on the rear mount when the time came to change the tire, due to a flat and the 40" had to be mounted on the rear to carrier it back.

The third and fourth photo's are of the 37" tire. Quite a difference.





The next group of picture's are of the tire mount set up. We made some change's from the first set-up. This set-up is a little more simplified and has less bulk. We didn't like all the tubeing that surround the bottom of the tire, so we got rid of it and came up with this final design. There more to the design yet that is not finish, but will look really rad when it's done. I will post those picture's when it get's closer to being finish.




I just realize that I did not post any picture's of the first set up. So here they are. As you can see, we got rid of the lower bracket mount.




I just realize that I did not post any picture's of the first set up. So here they are. As you can see, we got rid of the lower bracket mount.

And also 2 support bars are missing in the swing out--

can the tire carrier bar be used for that ( support in that area) with the latch mechanism latched?

jtsmith can the tire carrier bar be used for that ( support in that area) with the latch mechanism latched?[/QUOTE said:
Yes, and their will also be two other item's added that will help out. I want to wait on mentioning those yet until it's finalize that we are going with them. There is also a third item that will help out with the tire removal that will come later. It's getting pretty close now in finishing it.(tire carrier that is) We just need to wait for part's to arrive.:D

Paul, is that 1`3/4" tube?

Also any update on exspected finish date? I'm sure this recession has had a effect on your buissness too.

Paul, is that 1`3/4" tube?

Also any update on exspected finish date? I'm sure this recession has had a effect on your buissness too.

Stic-o, which tube are you asking about? 1 3/4X .120 chromo are going across and the drop-down post is 2"X3"X.188 wall.

I was asking about the gate frame. Your using chromo for a gate though :eek:

I guess if that's what you got, at least will be strong

I was asking about the gate frame. Your using chromo for a gate though :eek:

I guess if that's what you got, at least will be strong

I know, I know, you are right though I have chromo in the shop so no need to go get something else. I will say this however chromo does allow me to use a thinner wall which lightens the load SWEET.........

Here are some update's on the rear tire mount carrier system. Our shock's came in and Winter continued to Fabricate the shock's into place. Each shock has a 200 lb. lift rate, which give's us a total of 400 lbs. of lift. The 40" tire weight's in at about 120 lbs. A metal pin hold's it into place.





Winter in deep thought! Should I leave the 400 lb. lift, which is more then adequate, or drop it down to a 300 lb. lift with just a little more effort to lift it back up. Guy's what do you think? I say, go with the Mega Lift, More is alway's better!!!!:D


40" tire at full droop!



Inside the rim charcoal grill. Do it. :D

Perfect spot to make lunch off of on the trail.

Oh, man, you nailed it! Make a little round diamond plate table, a couple of bistro stools and an umbrella. With a small iced coffee maker in the center.

What I really want to know is who is going to crawl under that tire and unbolt the studs? Or, if you wanted a fold down spare, why not just go off the rear bumper instead of making a swing out rack for it? Then, you could just fold down the tire to open the back hatch.
You should hook it up to the air system and have it go up and down with the push of a button.

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What I really want to know is who is going to crawl under that tire and unbolt the studs? Or, if you wanted a fold down spare, why not just go off the rear bumper instead of making a swing out rack for it? Then, you could just fold down the tire to open the back hatch.
You should hook it up to the air system and have it go up and down with the push of a button.

It would be hard to reach inside the hatch though standing 40" away from it.
