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TDS '08 Who's going?

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To Zukman: just buy Toms runs:p:

Mine is a tintop and a hunting rig everything done but motor was tired so going big!

Besides what would Tom drive?????

Yes Tom your rig is worth it but if someone buys it when do we get to see you?????

Mine is a tintop and a hunting rig everything done but motor was tired so going big!

Besides what would Tom drive?????

Yes Tom your rig is worth it but if someone buys it when do we get to see you?????


I needed to scale it back.. so don't worry, just be happy!

just think, Tom, will sell the Zuk, and buy soming more simple...then we can say..."Hey Tom, follow us through the ditches!" :D Revenge is sweet!

Brian, if I bring some things for Bill, can you get it too him? It's some Ford d44 hubs and a d44 sway bar.;)

Steve, I have a "parts pile" accumulating for Bill. I'll take them from you and add them in. Next time I go to his house (for a tiki chop) I'll take it all to him.

Cool, I have some caps for Ted's Ranger too;)

Waiting patiently for Stic-o's list of extra CRAP to load in the motorhome! lol

Waiting patiently for Stic-o's list of extra CRAP to load in the motorhome! lol

LOL! I was going to call...but I need

Skid Plate with supports on it.
The ford D44 hubs there in a ziplock (bottom shelf)
and sway bar, which is under the gas tank on top shelf
and some funyuns!

also if dad has time I need 4 spacer 1 3/8" long for the 1/2" bolts on the front bumper. I belive dad has some 1" tube that was 1/2" thick that we used before.;)

and now back to the thread ..:p:

I should be there hopefully sometime between 8pm and midnight. Not sure when I will be getting out of work tomorrow.
Will have to fight I5 traffic to Imperial Beach to pick up the Ranger, then fight traffic until I get out of town.:mad: Hopefully I can get everything packed up tonite when I get off from work so I don't have to deal with it tomorrow. Also didn't get everything done on the F250SD that I wanted to either.:(

Also where is the majority of everyone camping at?

Something's come up. If I'm not there by 9:00 AM I'm not going. Dammm. Brian keep your cell phone on in case.

Also where is the majority of everyone camping at?
Directions are in the first post of this thread.
Something's come up. If I'm not there by 9:00 AM I'm not going. Dammm. Brian keep your cell phone on in case.
I am not sure if the phones work out in Ocotillo, but I always leave it on. Good time to try out my cell phone antenna.

Looking at the maps it's 10.5 miles from 86S to the turn off on Cahuilla Trail, if you are traviling west on 78

Hope that helps:rolleyes:

still trying...

anybody bringing a grill? I can bring mine or at least a tank of propane to use. I'd prefer not to lug my grill on my trailer 300 miles but I will.

Also where is the majority of everyone camping at?

where will everyone be on Saturday morning?

We will usually head out from the campsite(the one off chilliulliaialiaona trail), probably about 9 or so is typical.

You going to make it out?

And my girl just found these crazy pics from the area around the Salton Sea. We might go on a nerdy field trip there Sunday afternoon if anyone is interested. I guess there is all these theaters and places that the Beach Boys and Frank Sinatra were regulars that are now just "Hills have eyes" ghost towns.


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ha! Sunday sounds like my speed right now... That place i can show up at.

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Also in the residential neighborhood north of marina drive we found these old homes that were flooded. Pretty eerie looking.

Have fun out there everyone.
