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Completed Project Brandon's mild 4.0 OHV build

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So, as of 5 hours ago Ronin8002, or James' built OHV block became mine; and with the stea.. I mean deal I got and all the extra goodies he threw in, he seemed a little too happy to get rid of this thing :shifty_ey... lol! But WOW this thing is in good shape! As a christmas gift from my parents, I've been given the opportunity to really dig into an engine like I've always wanted to do. I've watched and assisted a couple chevy 350 builds over the past few months but have never done anything by myself.. so here goes nothin!

The Meat (James' Block):
- 1995 block bored .030 over and torque honed
- Keith Black Hypereutectic 1995 Style Pistons (staying around 9:1)
- Total Seal piston rings
- Clevite bearings
- Stock Water pump/timing cover (awesome shape!)
- Stock Fuel Rail
- SOHC Oil pump/pan - to strengthen up the bottom end
-- Possible port/polish on the lower intake, we'll see when I get there

The Goodies:
- Comp Cams 49-422-8 Cam
- Comp Cams 988-12 dual valve springs
- 95tm heads with minor porting/polishing

(on the way, supposedly 11/28/10)
- SI sev2027 and sev2028 valves
- Delta Cam rockers
and pushrods will come later down the road when properly measured

I'm going to keep a diary as things progress on the motor, once I get all the parts in it really should start coming together quickly. I'm down for any type of constructive criticism you have, if you don't like the way I'm doing something PLEASE let me know, as this will be my true first solo go at an engine! JD4242 has really given me a lot of direction when it comes to the 4.0, by reading through his posts in the forums I'm still baffled by the amount of knowledge he has of these things. So, many thanks to you JD!

First order of business, I need help tracking down a full gasket kit, reasonably priced as the budget is dwindling down, I hear an ebay seller has them for around $130??, as well as new head stud/bolts. I'm not feeling ARP's $400 set of head bolts/studs. Does anyone have any suggestions or leads on either?

Thanks for lookin! Here's a couple of teaser pics! Pics of the motor when I get it all unpackaged and on a stand.



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Wow that dirty.way worse than mine was.the wear would be on the rickers the worse,not the cup side the side the sits on the valve.not all the holes in the headgasket will be cut out for water you decided how much head and intake work your going to do? Dont worry about cleaning none of that stuff they can soak for cheap!!just by how dirty that thing is,its going to run 3 times better!!:)

I'm taking my heads and lower intake to a local shop on monday that specializes in OHV's, they do the heads for a couple teams that run down at Southside Speedway, so I figure they'ed be the best.

I don't know exactly the specs they're going to do, but I have a few connections to the shop, and they said they're going to hook me up for cheap, under an agreement that I don't disclose the work that's been done.. so we shall see! :D

What should I soak these in? SimpleGreen?

I'm taking my heads and lower intake to a local shop on monday that specializes in OHV's, they do the heads for a couple teams that run down at Southside Speedway, so I figure they'ed be the best.

I don't know exactly the specs they're going to do, but I have a few connections to the shop, and they said they're going to hook me up for cheap, under an agreement that I don't disclose the work that's been done.. so we shall see! :D

What should I soak these in? SimpleGreen?
No pic showed up.i soak small parts in a cab cleaner paint bucket thing from advance auto.come with a basket and cleans the crap out of stuff.hah let the secrets begine!!;)


didn't mean for a pic to show up.. I meant stuff like the all the big intake parts, heads if necessary etc etc..

But I'll stop by Autozone in the morning to see if I can find that stuff for the small parts. You don't have a name for it?

Its in a paint can.i can look later.good for lifters and rockers and bolts.i would clean the rest just going to cost you money and matter what they will have to clean it even if you got it super clean.i had my intake bead blasted to to get it super clean before i painted it

O hell yea.good shop will have chemical baths or hot bath machines,chemicals we aren't allowed to have.your never be able to get them all the way clean

Worked my butt off today cleaning everything and prepping the motor for paint, tomorrow should bring a nice big ole update!

I was going to get the first coat of black on the motor tonight but couldn't due to the fact I couldn't put all the timing together and get the cover on. I NEEDED the two tensioner bolts off my old motor but couldn't get to them because I couldn't get the Crankshaft pulley bolt out. :mad:

The bolt loosens to the left correct? Using the breaker bar/starter method is out of the question due to I have nothing but the block and pan left in the truck :p, I couldn't get my hands on a powerful enough impact gun to get it off without turning the engine over.

Ideas anyone?


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Is the trans out? If so is the Flywheel still on?

Tranny is still on and all connected, haven't messed with it yet.

Uh oh, i think I see where this is going.. am I going to have to ruin a tooth on it? :p:

Put it in gear and set the ebrake,air gun it!

I was wondering if I could do that.. Wasn't sure if I had to put it in Drive or Reverse though.. DANG!

I'll give that a shot tomorrow.

Thanks man!!

Thought you had a 5 speed? Thought i saw a pic of a clutch somewhere.should still work though,pretty sure.

Nah, thats the clutch that came with the engine, I'm trying to sell it.

I'm auto and know slim to none about manual trannys :(

O ok got it

Ok, so it was kind of dumb for me to think I could get the crank pulley bolt out by locking the engine up by putting it in gear with an auto tranny :( :( ((TORQUE CONVERTERS))

Does anyone foresee any problem with me bumping the starter? Remember I ONLY have the block with it's internals in it. Absolutely none of the top end is on and none of the sensors are plugged up. Will it work and what will I destroy? I need the bolts for the tensioner, and the crank position sensor.

Do I have to plug anything up, other than the battery, for the starter to even turn the motor over?

Haha yea was thinking it wouldnt work but maybe provide enough resistance for you to break it loose.if you do the starter way take the fuse out for the fuel pump and everything else should be ok

very cool built, but the time and effort still wont put out the fun of a 5.0 with small mods. i had a 3.8 mustang that I put all kinds of engine work into. Put out 220 hp at the rear wheels and 230 lbs of torque. It still ran slower times them my stock 5.0 mustang...

That's what I was thinking.. Well I'm going out to give it hell..

I'm going to record this with my phone.. should be kinda funny.

very cool built, but the time and effort still wont put out the fun of a 5.0 with small mods. i had a 3.8 mustang that I put all kinds of engine work into. Put out 220 hp at the rear wheels and 230 lbs of torque. It still ran slower times them my stock 5.0 mustang...

I like the line, "yeah it's a V6"

Plus, how many builds like this do you see running around, FEW.
I may stand corrected but I may have the first OHV/SOHC hybrid! :p:

JD's is the only other one I know of with the amount of work mine is about to have..

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Dont know if you have one or not but when i had mine on the stand i used a "belt/chain" wrench.its like a wrench but uses an adjustable belt or chain to tighten around a pipe.i put it around he balancer and had someone hold that wile i hit it with a gun
