What did you do to your Ex/Mounty/RBV today? | Page 23 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What did you do to your Ex/Mounty/RBV today?

01- I took the liberty of modifying your meet pic to the only truly relevant items.



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Need to take it one step further as far as relevant.

I was going to go there, but it is an Explorer thread. Don't want to be accused of going off-topic, which I never do... :D

Detailed the whole interior. Joe, you'd have a heart attack at how dirty this is. Looks like someone smoked every cigar in Cuba in here. -.- my Mr. Clean magic erasers are black.

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over the weekend bow season opened up and I took her out hunting with me for the first time. Ended up with this guy and she did well getting me back home that night..


and then some muddin the next day :D

over the weekend bow season opened up and I took her out hunting with me for the first time. Ended up with this guy and she did well getting me back home that night..

and then some muddin the next day :D

Nice, your truck obviously works better than mine, lol.

I replaced the bulbs in the rear wiper/rear defrost/fog light switches. Nice to have that side light up again.

Nice job, Hunter! :thumbsup:

Deer season opens on Oct 1st over here, getting excited... :)

Pulled the carpet out and removed all the a/c components and installed an a/c compressor delete pulley. Makin plans to build a snorkel.

With in the last week I have removed the stock location of the battery on the first gen, re routed the air intake and made a ram air. I used the idea from a newer dodge truck. so far it works great. I was thinking making a snorkel but im not sure yet ill see how this ram air works for now.

^^^^...Need pics of what you did with the battery and the ram air...

..I'm sure lot's of people on here would like to see a write up on those two items together..;)

Pictures are always welcomed!

Removed a Large Nail tire from outer edge of sidewall, deemed unrepairable safely. Tire replaced - Thanks Discount Tire Road Hazard!

Currently driving around with 31x12.50 Pro Comp Xterrains on front axle, and 33x12.50 BFG T/A on rear axle. Getting a lot of stares, looks that say Hey Goober, nice tire/wheel combo....

The joys of not being able to fit a 33" spare underneath the Ex. Wanted to sell the Pro Comps, glad I kept them.

lol a little bit of rake going one?

I get the joy of replacing the oil cooler o ring today. Really wish there was a way to do away with the cooler but the frame rail wont let a filter sit in there

Yep and I already have a slight rake after replacing the mono leaf with ARB spring pack. Yee Haw, black steel wheels in front and polished alloy wheels out back. Mayberry Bound!!

take a pic for us!

opened the hatch , saw this,


closed it,, went back in the house,,

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