Calico May 14+15 - Anyone interested? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Calico May 14+15 - Anyone interested?

3-4 if you do the rocky sections, 2 if you use the by-pass. This is considered moderate to extreme. You will bang some things. This has been done by a stock non Rubi TJ that was strapped three times.

I may see if I can steal my dad's rover for this one.


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sorry all I was in Sunnyvalle this weekend helping someone move. I have not had a chance to tear down my front axle again to check that locker yet cause of the move. I should know a lot more by the end of next weekend.

This will most likely need to be moved back to the second weekend of May.

I know you live out there, but isn't it going to be friggin hot in the middle of May?

BKennedy said:
I know you live out there, but isn't it going to be friggin hot in the middle of May?
It will be very hot out there for us coastal dwellers in the middle of May. Doesn't it get to be like 110* out there in summer?
<~~~ Brian and Colin in Calico in the middle of May.

bump :D

Okay, I asked for the second weekend of May off. I think the 15th-16th. If we don't do this Calico run cause it might be too friggin hot, how about Big Bear??

Locker test! :D

I am sorry to say that I wont be able to attend. I know it was my idea and all. Things around here are going crazy and I am not sure what the future is going to hold in the near future.

Looks like I may be getting my orders soon and they are saying Japan is very likely. With that said I would love to join you and may if time permits. Also, my explorer may be going on the forsale market. Not really sure whats going to happen right now though.

Felix said:
I am sorry to say that I wont be able to attend. I know it was my idea and all. Things around here are going crazy and I am not sure what the future is going to hold in the near future.

Looks like I may be getting my orders soon and they are saying Japan is very likely. With that said I would love to join you and may if time permits. Also, my explorer may be going on the forsale market. Not really sure whats going to happen right now though.

:eek: Mark NOOOOOOO! That really sucks! I' sorry to here about this, we're gonna miss you partner. How about I just whell your truck till you get back ;)

Stic-o said:
How about I just whell your truck till you get back ;)
I was going to say the same thing. I'll keep that thing running for you until you get back. :D You still putting the 5spd or did you already finish that? I may even be interested if you actually have to sell it, depending on the price. I hope you don't have to though..............or maybe.......I do............????? :p

Felix said:
I am sorry to say that I wont be able to attend. I know it was my idea and all. Things around here are going crazy and I am not sure what the future is going to hold in the near future.

Looks like I may be getting my orders soon and they are saying Japan is very likely. With that said I would love to join you and may if time permits. Also, my explorer may be going on the forsale market. Not really sure whats going to happen right now though.

Ohhhhhhh Dude! :( Keep your truck, just put it in storage on base. You cannot sell it after all that work.

My crazy partner had a lot of fun in Japan when he was stationed there.......... :D ;) :rolleyes:

I asked for the weekend of the 15th off for May and if we don't do this, lets go to Big Bear!

I wasn't going to tell anyone until it happened, but Mark's Explorer is going to a good home and staying in the SoCal X family.
That's right fellas, Colin is going to have an Explorer again!!
A very capable one at that. :thumbsup: Note the board name change was for a reason. ;)

Mark, you're the man and I'll see you Saturday!

To bad you had to sell it mark. Atleast it went to someone we know will use it and wheel it.

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Yep the Explorer will stay in its enviroment and I have been told there will always be a seat for me.

I talked with Dave and Colin about still coming out for as many runs possible till I leave. I will have a way to get out there and back as long as you dont mind a thumper sitting at camp or joining you in the washes. I found a good one that is street legal and can be taken to Oki with me.

Oh yea and I already have a replacement explorer, well ok its a mounty. It is setting at my dads house and I am going to take over payments on it. So it will be almost or totally paid off when I get back to pick it up. That helps out the whole family this way.

Anyways, Big Bear sounds good, Calico still sounds good too. I just dont have a truck to lead on with now, but still plan on trying to join you all on at least one more run.

P.S. : Colin the explorer is registered for the Tinbenders Jambo at the Hammers if you want to take it out there let me know. I will go with so there are no questions about the registration for the run.
