Calico May 14+15 - Anyone interested? | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Calico May 14+15 - Anyone interested?

I assume you'll be towing out your camper correct? Since none of us are familiar with Calico that will take some more investigating to see whats a camper friendly area. The ranger station out there should have some good info on that I would guess.

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I know my dad was thinking about coming out to.... :rolleyes: We'll see though.

Found this Pic's


That is the trail in the center :confused:



I read somwhere that the camping is like t-haven, but there is a campgrond with hook ups in calico for $14 a night. But we all like Big camp fires :D So in the canyon is good!

Is anyone going out Friday? :rolleyes: I was thinking of going Friday night...but traffic will really suck :(

I'd rather not pay $14 for hookups I don't need. :) I agree with the camp fire and TH style camping.

I'll head out Sat morning and you're right traffic is going to suck friday night.

I'd rather not pay $14 for hookups I don't need. :) I agree with the camp fire and TH style camping.

I'll head out Sat morning and you're right traffic is going to suck friday night.

Sunday on the way home too! :(

Who let this guy into Calico :roll:


Can't Wait! :bounce:

Do you dare complete THE GATEKEEPER??? This movie will be up shortly, but it shows what a J##P on 31" tires has to deal with when boulders are bigger than an Expedition! Enjoy yourselves, and keep the rubber side down...


That was just wacky at the end :confused:

I think I'll leave the gate keeper till I have my new rear bumper done, I kinda like my quarter pannels they way they are for now, Thank You ;)

Stic-o said:
That was just wacky at the end :confused:

I think I'll leave the gate keeper till I have my new rear bumper done, I kinda like my quarter pannels they way they are for now, Thank You ;)

I though that looked like fun..

I will be leaving either Friday morning or afternoon, or Thursday afternoon, depending on who is coming from my family. As usual, I won't know until a few days prior.
I would like to rough camp, and yes I am bringing my trailer. My partner at work says it takes less time to drive to Calico than Big Bear, just a few hours from San Diego. Maybe someone who lives closer can run up there and look for a camping spot???? Like DB1????? I think we could camp anywhere around the mouth of Odessa Canyon. Its BLM land so its free for all to use.

..........and now for some real maps :D


18. Wall St. Canyon Overlook ~Easy
19. Doran Loop ~Difficult
20. Odessa Canyon ~Difficult
21. Phillips Loop ~Moderate
22. Mule Canyon Road ~Easy
23. Achy-Breaky ~Difficult


Most people camp where the left arrow from the ATC guy is. "staging area"

at the exit far to the right "Minneola Road", I think that where we use to go when I was in cub scouts, I'm pretty sure...always dreamed of coming back ;)

I'll try my best to do a scouting trip up there next weekend but I can't make any promises right now...keep ya posted.

My partner says a lot of people dry camp all over the place on the road to the entrance to Odessa Cyn and the Doran Loop trails.

Stic-o said:
..........and now for some real maps :D


18. Wall St. Canyon Overlook ~Easy
19. Doran Loop ~Difficult
20. Odessa Canyon ~Difficult
21. Phillips Loop ~Moderate
22. Mule Canyon Road ~Easy
23. Achy-Breaky ~Difficult


Most people camp where the left arrow from the ATC guy is. "staging area"

at the exit far to the right "Minneola Road", I think that where we use to go when I was in cub scouts, I'm pretty sure...always dreamed of coming back ;)

Right where you see the '02' is where you guys will want to set up camp. It is out of the way from most of the trails, in a good canyon that will provide protection against the wind. Lots and lots of motorhomes/campers will be scattered up and down that road, but right around the '2' is the ideal spot that we've used to stage a number of runs over the past year or so...


Looks like it will be good weather for the run! Friday the 13th :rolleyes: is showing 83 in the day and 54 and night! :thumbsup:

Is anyone going to have an extra seat? I may cruise out there in the Dodge. I'd take the Explorer, but I don't want to break it before Moab :D

Rick said:
Is anyone going to have an extra seat? I may cruise out there in the Dodge. I'd take the Explorer, but I don't want to break it before Moab :D
I should have a seat open.

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Dayum thats gnarly.
go break Jefe's rig instead, he can weld good :)

Have fun!
