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Hell Hole Reservoir


Explorer Addict
September 1, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Cameron Park, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94' XLT
I was out in the sierras and we found a little jeeping trail on the map so we went to the trailhead to check it out. I was just wondering if any of you northern californian wheelers have ever been out here. Its above Hell Hole Reservoir way out past Georgetown and Foresthill. It ended up being an intense trail that we had to turn around on becuase we wern't sure if we could make it back up. When the SAS is done I plan on heading back out there and finishing were I left off. Anyways here are some pictures.


This was were we camped

At the trailhead. Jeep in a pretty normal position:)

The lake from the trail

This is what the trail starts to look like. we turned around here. With some careful spotting and lockers it can be done, but I had no lockers and it would be near impossible to get back up without lockers.

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Yea it is really cool out there, hundreds of miles for wheeling and camping. O and thanks for the tips on posting pics;)

Beautiful look terrain.

I've heard about that trail, I would love to try it.

Post next time your going, and I'll see about making it up.

yea this place was a lot of fun. We should plan a run sometime. I can't wait to get up their and finish the trail with my newly improved truck.

OK i know old thread but do you remember how to get there? :)

yea. Its a easy trail to get to. Just go up to forest hill and stop by the forest service station in town and pick up a map. It is very helpful and lets you understand where you are. It also shows where the trail is on the map.

Anyway, when you get into forest hill make a right on mosquito ridge toward forest meadows. This road will take you straight to Hell Hole Reservoir. The road is narrow and windy. It also is on the side of one of the biggest canyons in these parts. If you hit Hell Hole reservoir, you went a bit to far. The turn off is is on the left side of the road as you approach the lake. I think it is forest road 14N09A But that might be wrong, long time ago. Once on the trail it is very evident.
