3-1-08 Tahuya Aftermath | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3-1-08 Tahuya Aftermath

Albino 94LTD

Recovering from Moab 2016
Elite In Memoriam
June 24, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Newcastle Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
White 94 Limited
OK, here's the thread for posting the aftermath from our little Tahuya run last weekend.

We had a great time.

Raised $230.00 for the Red Cross Lewis County Flood Relief

Had guest appearances from Dr. Phil and Oprah at the camp fire.

Consumed a significant amount of Barley pop and had a Killer breakfast Sunday morning.

Arsoul arrived early on Friday and secured the absolute best camping spot around and set up the Chuck Wagon. That thing has more ground clearance than is X250.

Diff Whack Daddy was next to arrvive with his cabin on wheels, Explorer in tow.

Paul left his boat in Tacoma at 3:30 and raced across the Narrows Bridge before the traffic got too bad. He probably had his bivy set up in 5 mintes:rolleyes:

Me and Albinoable Nintendo Boy left Newcastle at 3:30 also but that's the height of rush hour and it started rainging at 3:00:rant:We got to Tacoma about 5:00 and headed across the bridge.

A little gas in Belfair (beore it went up another $.05 overnight) then headed up to the trailhead. We made CB contact about 2 miles out and pulled in just as the rain was subsiding:bounce:.

It's been several months since I set up Casa de Blanco and it took me a while to figure out how to put up the new (35yr old) awning. Got that attached and had Kevin and Ryan holding the corners out of the mud puddles. I'm so rusty putting this thing up they both consumed 2 beers waiting.:chug:

Got the top up, awning up, beds pulled out and front lawn rolled out, next was to fire up the heater and grab an Alaskan Amber for myself.

Next was a long evening of stories and libation until a young lady wandered into camp with a hand held radio and said something like, "I'm playing a trick on my mom, when I key the mike, don't say anything":crazy: Hindsight tells us that was the start of something rather odd:scratch:

I'll leave the story there for now and some of the other guys can fill in what details they remember.

Now for a couple pictures I stole from Pat and the Broncoii.org forum. There are many more here http://broncoii.org/forum/index.php?topic=2599.0

I'll be going through mine today and post more this evening.

Here goes.


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A few more


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Okay, I'll delete mine and repost here.

I'll edit my pictures in as I edit tem for size. I will put all the photos here DWD's Tahuya Pics

Are driveshafts supposed to look like this? I spent the rest of the day with only front wheel drive. I never knew how difficult the slightest incline could be with out the rear tires helping out. I had to get towed up a couple of hills but redeemed myself at the end by backing up the largest hill to end the day :thumbsup:


You gotta tell the story Kevin. You just wanted pretzels with your beer Saturday eve

Yeah, pretzels:rolleyes: I just thought it would be more challenging to do the day in front wheel drive. The real bummer was Sunday morning when I had to use the ramps to load the Ex onto the trailer:(

We are finally getting internet at home on Tuesday, so I hope to get mine up tuesday evening.

OK, so Dr Phil and Oprah wander into camp drinking Long Island Ice tea's and proceed to act like they have known us forever, he's talking about ******* some 16 year old chick that just dumped Arsoul's buddy and she's grabbing his butt laughing about it.:rolleyes:

They finally leave and we look over at Kevin who's doing the death wobble in his chair.:bdrunk:It takes Ryan and Paul to get him the 6ft from the chair to his camper steps where they poured him inside:dead:No one wanted to put him to bed:fart:

The rest of us chatted for a while then turned in.

OK, so here are a couple pix of camp.


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Saturday morning, Paul was up early (well earlier than the rest of us) and headed down to Safeway to meet up with Joe and the rest of the folks.

Tristan (Sliencing Thunder) started the 302ci Ranger to pull it off his trailer(now we know where the name comes from). If you weren't hung over, this woke you up and it woke up the rest of the parking lot too.

About 5 minutes later started the cacophony of dirt bike and quad engines that lasted for the next 3 hours:burnout:

JRGaylor, Katie, Free89Broncoii, and Totaled rolled into camp and we all met and scoped out each other's rigs.:shifty_ey


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...dwd, i wonder if that might have been the wierd noise that you couldn't figure out at truckhaven while climbing that rock...:scratch:

Time to air down line up and head for the trail head. We all elected Tristan to lead since it seems he had been here more and more frequently than the rest of us.

We all stopped at the first rock pile to watch the big dogs play and talk about spotting and lines to take. Kevin was first to pose then Ryan, Joe, Paul and Katie w/ her S-O (another Ryan, we had 3 of them:rolleyes:).

Kevin decides to run the pile form the other side but there's a very angry rock that just didn't like him (or anyone else for that matter):censored: First it grabbed his rear axel tube, a little back and forth and it managed to put a dimple in the rear drive shaft. All we heard was a 'tink' and "What the **** was that?":wtf::scratch::banghead::rant:

Joe was sitting in the bushes watching while his wife crochet'd (sp?) lined up just right and pulled Kevin off that nasty rock.

Katie's Ryan decided Nimby was going step on it if it was the last thing he did (and it almost was). Lots of hym and haw some highlift jacking and Nimby got off that angry rock with only a dozen scratches.


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...dwd, i wonder if that might have been the wierd noise that you couldn't figure out at truckhaven while climbing that rock...:scratch:

No, I think the noise there was just the hard mounted heim joints and newly frame tied roll cage that caused more sound from the suspension working to be transmitted to the passenger compartment. I have double checked everything and nothing is lose.

With everyone clear and wimpering about the 'little rock that could' we decided to run some more trails and test Kevins RICER driving skills:bsnicker: The first hill made clear the effects of weight transfer and he begged Ryan for a strap.:notworthy

We were all together for a while but on the second hill the front group of 5 (in cycling parlance) gapped them off and there was miscommunication at an intersection resulting in a split group.

I'm not sure where their group went be we continued on to the South Loop trail where we got to weave between the trees and test out our flex.


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Great write up Phil.

Finally down a tight little hill with some pretty good sized holes and we met up with Ryan, Kevin, Paul and Joe at the:wavey: mud pit.

Someone else will have to tell the other story:popcorn:


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And here's the gully

So that get's us to Saturday afternoon, we still have 24hrs of Tahuya and another guest visit from Opra and Dr Phil:crazy::wtf::dunno:


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The other story isn't that great. After we split up, The four of us just basically came out the exact same way we went in, and then went straight to the mud pit area down the same trail you came. We just hung out and played a little while we waited for the rest of the group.



I guess I'll fill in "pretty pathetic" part.

While waiting for the rest of the group at the mud pit I made a go for it in the deepest part of the mud pit. This isn't knee deep mud. This is chest deep, suck your pants off deep mud. One of the locals who patrol the ORV Park said that was the section that he see's most engines hyrolock in.

It was a little too deep.

When I realized my fan was half under, I backed out. It was at that time I realized my starter was FULL of mud and wouldn't work anymore. Since I had been tugging DWD up every slightest incline for the last mile, he gave me a tug so I could drop the clutch and get things running again. Thanks Kevin.

Paul also made a go of the mud. Not the pantless-wonder mud, but still, deep mud. After getting mud up past his door sill and making lots of gurgling noises, he proceeded to spin his Explorer 360degrees and exit the mud. I've never seen that before, and probably never will again.

As we waited for everyone else to catch up, we watched various quads and dirt bikes come and go hoping atleast one rider would dump it in the mud. Alas, this did not happen. Then a Chevy pickup showed up with three folks riding in the bed of the truck. We hoped to see the driver throttle up and dump his passengers in the mud, but alas, this did not happen.

At this point the others showed and I will let someone else chime in, but FIRST:

As far as the 2nd night of barley pop and the Doctor Phil/Oprah show...I'd like to ask two things.

First, I would really enjoy reading Pauls opinion of the second night, specifically regarding the conversation about wholesale distribution channels in the re-tooling sector....

Secondly, where are all the photos of the passed out, puked out passenger of mine?

As far as the 2nd night of barley pop and the Doctor Phil/Oprah show...I'd like to ask.

I would really enjoy reading Pauls opinion of the second night, specifically regarding the conversation about wholesale distribution channels in the re-tooling sector....

WTF?:wtf:I don't remember any conversation even close to that. I DO remember Oprah saying "oh you poor baby, did you go wee wee in your pants??? Let me help you" Or are you speaking code cause this is a PG13 site?

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Hmmm...I'm pretty sure Oprah came by earlier in the night alone and made those comments, then later came back with Dr. Phil. Dr. Phil and DWD's son had a conversation surrounding re-tooling distribution. Was anyone sober?
