Project Baby Runner/Mini Crawler: R.J.'s Navajo Build | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Project Baby Runner/Mini Crawler: R.J.'s Navajo Build

this thread is going to be just a thread posting any mods or work being done on the Navajo. I'll also make a registry which would kinda like a summery of whats in the vehicle and i already have a thread started about the work im doing to the front beams/axle.

well here's whats up with it right now, its in mexico at McNeiloff-road to have a roll cage put in it :D




here's just some randome shots of the shop.

Chad McNeils shop

Perry and Jason's shop

this is a shot from the front gate around the buildings. on the right it is Chad McNeil's shop (McNeil Off-road) and towards the left is the building where Perry McNeil (McNeil Racing/Perrys fab n fiber) and Jason McNeil (Fiberwerx) shops are.

some sort of buggy

some trucks

a cool bumper

a sport trac


pictures suck, but here's some explorers


king pin, equal length.

a ranger

i forget how massive desert cars are till i see them. all the shocks, springs, tubing, reinforcing etc. is huge.

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(OMFG!) -- what happens to the leaves? Do they just flatten out or something?

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One common thing for racing with leafs was to raise the front pivot witch lowers anti-swat and make them as long a possible. Cut or notch frame for a max de-arched and when you subject the spring to that amount of arch change they would fatigue and then crack. This is still practiced today and works very well in a racing app. National had a problem for a few years with racers only getting one or two races before total fracture. They have since fixed the problem...

i guess this is progress. danny's shock mount still lives.... just reincarnated




got the other side tacked up.

im using the shock mount i bought off of dannyboy bu ti had to flip it upside down and weld new shock tabs to fit 12" shocks in at a decent angle. looks kinda funny cause i still have the old shock tabs on too hahaha.


also re-positioned the lower shock mount to gain some ground clearance. does anybody know if this was part of a kit? possibly for superlift? cause i didn't make these. when we originaly bought the 4" superlift from one of the guys on this board, these shock mounts and skid plate/u-bolt mounts came with them. they used to have a little weld between the two peices but it wouldn' work like that with our 14 leaf pack.


looks good. Now throw some gussets on those tabs for the way you drive. That's the point of the extra bracing on the original placement but I like the way you did that.

I think the original Superlift SOA kit had perches with shock tabs on them. Also weld up some steel or put a long threaded bolt with nuts on the inside of where the single shock is supposed to mount My stock mounting plate was really reinforced on the bottom plate, I can see that twisting up with 2 shocks and only support on each side of one, the mount will bend outwards.



new shocks? nope, those are the shocks tht have been in the rear for a while. 2.0x11 fox's.



almost ready to put it all together and then i realize i have a little clearance issue trying to use the fox's instead of the pro-comps

aww man, putting things back together is beautiful.

and hooray for more clearance under the spring!


...When did you aquire that leaf pack????...:scratch:

Awesome job on the bracket that attaches the shock to what used to be anti-sway bar holes -- well done!!

...When did you aquire that leaf pack????...:scratch:

page 2 and 7 of this thread. originally a deaver g50 ranger pack, but had it costumized by deaver

Awesome job on the bracket that attaches the shock to what used to be anti-sway bar holes -- well done!!

turned out pretty good. i didn't actually design them, i already had them in my garage (they came with a used lift i bought once) before i put the triangular brace in it, you were still able to bolt up and run the sway bar. i could probably trim it down enough to fit the sway bar on again.

So this thing's ready for saturday now? What else is there to do?

the rear is almost done, tomorrow is time to fix the front. still have the front axle to fix from the "psimo carnage super wind" run.

the "psimo carnage super wind" run.

hahaha thats great.

i welded the diff up got it all back together, then found the pass side seal went bad from all the play that was in it. so i have to take every thing out and replace it.but i think i will wait till the ring and pinion go for that.those teeth did alot of carnage in there lol, and trying to come up a way to brace up the bumper. but with they baby on the way, i will just run it like it is. lol

hahaha thats great.

i welded the diff up got it all back together, then found the pass side seal went bad from all the play that was in it. so i have to take every thing out and replace it.but i think i will wait till the ring and pinion go for that.those teeth did alot of carnage in there lol, and trying to come up a way to brace up the bumper. but with they baby on the way, i will just run it like it is. lol

well as long as its runnin. thats all it needs to do for a daily driver :thumbsup:

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it dose more then just driving daily, i still wheel it like it is lol.
