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PLAN B Build

mustve been fun watching them balance 40s, eh? and when i thoight 35s were my eventual goal... :D

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Any idea what the difference in weight is? What is the width of the 37s and 40s?

They are actually both a 12.5 tire. Actual width is different for sure.

The 40's on these old Stonecrusher Rims are 115 lbs.

My 37's on Steelies are 125 lbs. last time I checked.

I need to double check that, but it's pretty crazy.

The 40's are a full Race tire. They are not DOT legal. But I got a good deal, and there is a lot of tread on them.

mustve been fun watching them balance 40s, eh? and when i thoight 35s were my eventual goal... :D

They are not balanced. They could not do it. Would not fit on the machine.

They are not balanced. They could not do it. Would not fit on the machine.
oh my 😂😂😂 now thats funny!!! well, ok not super funny from a practical standpoint, but funny they wouldnt fit!! 😂

Response to post
#198 NAVA5.0
199 Nice!
#367 Good side shot pic
What is your total vehicle weight with a full tank?

continual balance beads then

lots of them!
I would love to have a set of those around, Navajo on 40's = will go places lol

Stage 2- Start now!





Nice work Steve.:chug:

Coilovers waiting to go to work to be rebuilt.

The Blue are off the front of the Navajo. The Red are originally off of Paul B. Explorer before it's demise. The will go on the rear.


Post #366, who made your pcm extension cable?
#372 Wow! on the tires and wheels.
#392 I'm surprised that the state of California allows you to pull an engine in your driveway, lol!
#403 Could an old-style bubble balancer be used on tire/wheel assemblies to get them close to balanced?

40s on a bubble balancer!
You can balance anything with a bubble but man with tires that big I’m not sure bubble balancer usually like 31s and under hahaha

Pcm extension is done one wire at a time :) takes a few hours I think I cut and extended 84 wires total
I see you were checking g out old threads

Stoked to see some parts off of Paul B’ s truck!

Order of Operation is important.

Maybe engine swap then Suspension was not perfect idea.

Top coilover bolt runs right into the oil fill on the valve cover. Had to cut the bolt off. 🤦


Order of Operation is important.

Maybe engine swap then Suspension was not perfect idea.

Top coilover bolt runs right into the oil fill on the valve cover. Had to cut the bolt off. 🤦

View attachment 452918

If you need the full length of the threads couldnt you pull the valve cover and weld in an angled extension tube to place the cap farther inboard?

It would be tough with the cast aluminum I think

If you need the full length of the threads couldnt you pull the valve cover and weld in an angled extension tube to place the cap farther inboard?

The bolt was way too long to start. Robby just threw what ever he had in there it looks like. The rear shocks were the same. Extra spacers and mismatched bolts. I get it. You gotta do what you gotta do, and if it works 🤷

This is the last of the original truck, other than the body and frame. So not worried about anything else, that was done like this.

I’m sure you tried taking the cap off? Lol lol looks like there maybe some more wiggle room with the oil fill cap removed

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I’m sure you tried taking the cap off? Lol lol looks like there maybe some more wiggle room with the oil fill cap removed

I still needed another inch or more at least. I just cut the bolt off with a grinder. Bolts are cheap and it was way too long anyway.
