JMan689's Trail X | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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JMan689's Trail X

Alright, as some of you know I bought this X off of glfredick back in fall, honestly i can say out of my 3 Ford trucks this has been the best buy.

My name is James but i go by Jay or J (yeah we are lazy) or J Bird or whatever else people can come up with.
Live in the suburb of Chicago known as Downers Grove

email - or
AIM - MachineHead689
Car Domains - see links in sig

Onto the truck.

Year: 1992 XLT
Engine: Stock 4.0
Transmission: Rebuilt A4LD
Transfer Case: BW 1354 crawl under and turn it yourself :D
Front Suspension: 1977 F150 Coils, 2006 Dodge 1 ton 4x4 Shocks, sway bar quick disconnects
Rear Suspension: BDS long add-a-leaf springs, 6" lift Ranger shocks, overload springs removed, heavy duty shackles
Front Axle: Dana 35 with 4:10 gears
Rear Axle: Ford 8.8 with 4:10 gears
Communications: Cobra CB, antenna wired through hatch
Wheels: 33x12.5R15 Pro-Comp Xterrains on 15x8 Black Cragar Soft Series 8
Exterior: Orange & Black paint, Snorkel, custom bumpers with heavy duty D-rings
Interior: Recaro bucket seats, Trans temp gauge
Audio: Pioneer headunit
Future Mods: Full cage, onboard air, new/cleaned up interior, tweak the front bumper for a fuller brush/grille guard, add in a stock grill, light bar, Winch, D60s, 38" tires, lockers front and rear, rebuilt 4.0 or v8 swap
Misc: Front brake lines from a Super Duty, motorhome cooler hooked in line with the stock trans cooler









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very nice, i really like the hood snorkel...

I love both of those bumpers, especially the rear.

I remember that truck from Moab! :thumbsup:

very nice, i really like the hood snorkel...

Yeah, it works really well. I'm thinking about going to a full snorkel though.

I love both of those bumpers, especially the rear.

:thumbsup: They are awesome, i just need to mount some lights on the front/fix my headlights so i can actually SEE at night.

I remember that truck from Moab! :thumbsup:

The sticker is still on the old hatch glass thats sitting in my garage, i need to swap it over. :D

New Rims

My new Cragars, crappy cell phone pic, will have better ones this weekend at the car show.


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looks nice

What's the tube for your hood scoop/snorkel made out of? It seems like it would melt with how it folds in there. Does it just sit far enough away not to get bothered?

What's the tube for your hood scoop/snorkel made out of? It seems like it would melt with how it folds in there. Does it just sit far enough away not to get bothered?

Feels and looks like plastic, I'd PM glfredick if you want to know more.

Alright, WELL with badlands coming up i have a lot to do. Someone might have caught what i was planning to do to the X (Aric knows) before badlands and so far.... its going to happen either this weekend or next (check the cell phone pic below for a clue). Just waiting on 2 things.

In terms of fixing things, i need to replace my leaf springs they are sagging horribly. I dont want to lose my flex though, since i have an set of leafs (parts truck YAY) i'm just going to run those the same way as the ones i have now (overload springs removed and the BDS AAL)
Would like to try to clean up the interior abit as i will be sleeping it.
Have to get my CB actually working.
Change Oil (drain plug is stripped)

Thats all i can think of for now.


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Kinda of sneak pic of what i've been doing the past 2 weeks. MANY more pictures will be up after i return from badlands. Still need to finish the fender though it's becoming a hassle.


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I have yet to decide. Regardless its done untill after Badlands.

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