01 sport - 4.0 SOHC STS turbo charged (Project complete) | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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01 sport - 4.0 SOHC STS turbo charged (Project complete)

4.0 SOHC turbo charger project

Guys - I'm done....well, almost (you know how that goes)

I've drove the truck around today very safely and all I can say is wow...I love this and I'm very glad I did it. I'll have to say I went thru a lot to get this far and lost a few buddies along the way. :(

I'm gonna try like heck to get you guys some videos soon but right now I need to chill cuss my wife is pissed. I've been working on this truck when I should be working on the house, but oh well. blah blah blah.

I've got the boost at around 5 LBS and that's where it's gonna stay until I can get the MAF, injectors, and fuel pump in. Oh yeah, I'm running the 73MM C&L housing and stock injectors and pump. Anyways, I'll be changing those out and tuning the thing out pretty soon - I can then take her to the track and see what happens.....

This is what I've been wanting for two years now so I'm a little excited that it's here now. Not trying to make a drama thread here but I'm happy to join James in the STS 4.0 SOHC circle. Now let me see if I can out run him? :p:

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How about a 6.0L LS swap with a full size truck drivetrain (AWD option) in the S10 or Blazer. Sorry I am a LSx believer! :p: As much as I hate to admit it the LSx would kill the little 5.0L. Cubic inches rule!

I tuned a Silverado with a 6.0L conversion stock engine. Mods were turbo,meth,headers (obviously the support hardware is in tact)-that is it. We put down 565hp and 708#.ft. torque. Nasty little combo, in a full size reg cab truck he should run 7.0's-7.1x's in the 1/8th. With the 5.3L he ran 7.60's with 35 hp and 150lb.ft. torque less. It will be interesting.

Those are nice, but they should be with aluminum blocks and titanium rods? They are basically a race engine developed by GM. Those are a bargain to find used, I'd take one also. Give me a fair budget and I'll put a 351W up against those.

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Update. Hurricane Ike killed my gas line. I have to replace that - needed gas for the generator. It's been living hell here in Texas.

I have a feeling I pushed it to the limits. I'm been getting a little aggresive in the tune and I have a feeling I've damaged the engine. I've got a bit of moisture coming out of the exhaust and I'm thinking a head or gasket may of failed. I didn't overheat the truck but it's not idling right anymore. It still screams but I need to do some more investigating to see what happened.

Hopefully it's okay. I had a conversation with the service manager of my favorite Ford dealer. He is the one who told me not to worry about my SOHC after hitting 282 degrees last month. He and my friend(old shop foreman) said that they had never seen a SOHC with a bad head gasket. Clearly the SOHC has better head gasket performance than the OHV 4.0's.

I pulled three plugs, two from the drivers side and one from the passengers side, and didn't find anything wrong. The moisture from the exhaust was not there when I let it sit idling so it's probably just the normal moisture that everyone gets. I was a little low on coolant but it wasn't too bad.

I'm still not sure why it's not idling right. It will idle but it's surging like I've never heard it do. It may be a freak thing that I was playing with the tune, coasting fuel shut off, and something else went wrong. The problem seems to be only at idle, anytime I have the throttle pushed I'm okay. All the settings that I changed were changed back and the problem is still there.

Problem solved. It was in the tune. ;) I made too many changes at one time and didn't know exactly what caused it. I had to reload an old tune with the settings I Knew were good and leave the other changes I made for the birds.

I re-normalized the spark tables so that I could have a more precise spark at loads higher than 1.0 and this is what caused the idle to go crazy. Doesn't make any sence to me but okay.

r u going to do a video clip since its all done and complete i wanna hear it and see videos of it too

Currently I'm working on the rear-end. I'll be installing a powertrax no slip to do away with the open rear-end I currently have. I should be done with that by next weekend as the parts are on order. To top it off I've got a Mac Rear cover for extra support and looks. This has really been the missing link for me.

After this is done, I'll go ahead and install meth injection so I can run a bit more timing. During this time I'll take all the cold side piping back off and send it for powder coating.

I plan to get it on the track by the year 2015 if possible. ;)

Jake, keep an eye out for a VC2000 test device. They nay or may not turn up used, I've never looked for one. I bought mine over ten years ago, and evidently they cost more used now than when new. Those generate accurate times, you just find a straight flat stretch of road.

Jake, keep an eye out for a VC2000 test device. They nay or may not turn up used, I've never looked for one. I bought mine over ten years ago, and evidently they cost more used now than when new. Those generate accurate times, you just find a straight flat stretch of road.

Those things are nifty but very pricey. You could always send me yours and I'll post up what I run with it. I'll then send it back...hehehe

No, I'll get it to the track...no excuses.

I never imagined that they would go up in value, or hold it. I figured that after more were bought, years later they would be cheap, like the $100 versions that do very little. Back then the high end model was about $800, and when I looked last year they had a $2500+ model. Oh well,

Hey Jakee,
Long time no talk! How many miles does your explorer have? What would you guess the total cost of everything was?

Hello afboy. Last I looked I was around 120K and I can't rememeber the milliage when I installed the turbo. I don’t drive the truck much either. The total cost was around 3 grand but I didn't count all the change. It's worth every penny and I'll do it again in a heartbeat.

I gave a ride to a friend today that has a mustang and we both had to change our underwear. hehe

Don't get this wrong, it's not racecar fast but with the rear end I have, it can get very squirrely at times.

Hello afboy. Last I looked I was around 120K and I can't rememeber the milliage when I installed the turbo. I don’t drive the truck much either. The total cost was around 3 grand but I didn't count all the change. It's worth every penny and I'll do it again in a heartbeat.

I gave a ride to a friend today that has a mustang and we both had to change our underwear. hehe

Don't get this wrong, it's not racecar fast but with the rear end I have, it can get very squirrely at times.

Very nice! So 120k eh? I just hit 111K. Ive been saving money up for something big and I was eyeing Ron Caster's kit with the M90 pretty hard. My only fear is the high milage on have on the truck- but you might have shed some light on that! Do you have a manual or auto trans? If you dont drive it much, whats your DD?

I have the 5R55E auto. My daily driver is a 08 Ford edge.

You should be okay with those miles as long as everything is in good working order.

The lock-rite rear end is now in. I found a worn-out pinion shaft while I was in there which I had to replace. No wonder my rear end was so unpredictable. Some times both would spin, sometimes one would. That's all fixed now.

And now I have severe wheel hop so I'll be putting the cal-tracs back on. :(

I tried again just to see how bad the wheel hop is before I add the cal traks and at around 3500 RPMS the wheel hop was so bad it caused the tranny to go to neutral and the ABS light came on. I'm not sure what I tore up now but the left rear wheel is making noise.

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do u got video clips of ur 01 sport turbo
