How to: - 2wd to 4wd conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: 2wd to 4wd conversion

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Well-Known Member
February 9, 2010
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Fitzgerald, GA.
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2000 xls 4x4 now
So I finally decided to do the swap and it is quite simple and can be done in a couple of days,

First off you will need:

4wd transmission and a transfer case.
A front and rear axles with all matching gears.
Front and rear drive shafts
4wd knuckles and abs sensors.
Main wire to connect the transfer case into the wiring harness.
Radio bezel with 4wd switch along with three Sensors in the dash.

I found it easier to buy and junker like this for a 1000 bucks.

See when you are done with all the parts you need you can sell stuff like the tires and converters. Then you can scrap the whole car.

The Project is simple 4WD!

First I took apart the front.

Knocks, CV axles, Rotors, and front Diff.

Driver side:

Passenger side:

Front Diff:

Knuckles, Rotors and CV axles:

Then i started working on the rear and got it out:

Once that was all out I then started putting it all back together:

Driver side:

Passenger side:

All the Front in and waiting:

Then I started swapping out the rear end;

Leaving this: Which is ####ing heavy!

Then I swapped out the sensors and Gem ****** Note will post pics tomorrow*****

All that is left right now is Swapping the transmissions.

I will try and take pics of sensor and location tomorrow.

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Nice Job so far!...:) I'd be careful using the floor jack on the Tortion bar, I prefer to jack the LCA and sit a jackstand under the jacking lug.

nice job!

So i am done with this and the 4wd is great couldn't be happier with the time I have invested.

Sedition:: I normally do not jack it on the torsion bar housing box but it was convenient.

LONO100:: The whole swap is easy but is time consuming.

Hunter32:: After you get the cv axles or and driveshaft off all you do is take out bolts and it will slide right out.

Sweet job! Bookmarked for sure!

How long did the whole process take? I will be doing this some day. probably in a year and I will need all the help I can get. This thread is a great place to start. well done!

Nice work. Did the donor have 4.10:1 gears? What gears did your stock rear have?

does anyone know if there is a 4 wd conversion my mountaineer currently is an all wheel drive and i would like to be able to put it in to 2 wheel drive in good weather and on the roads to save a little gas and probably do a few burnouts

does anyone know if there is a 4 wd conversion my mountaineer currently is an all wheel drive and i would like to be able to put it in to 2 wheel drive in good weather and on the roads to save a little gas and probably do a few burnouts
5.0 or 4.0?

@Dan Whitaker AWD would have to be 5.0.

But to answer @Tony b 5.0 question, use the search function and look for "BW 4406 swap" there is tons of good information in those threads to get you from AWD to a true 4WD.

@Dan Whitaker AWD would have to be 5.0.

But to answer @Tony b 5.0 question, use the search function and look for "BW 4406 swap" there is tons of good information in those threads to get you from AWD to a true 4WD.

Many people refer to Control Trac as AWD which it is not. And since 98 & up Mountaineers were available with the 5.0 & 4.0 I don't assume.

Plus I didn't notice his profile stated he had a 1997:D

I'm so used to the old site, I'm not used to the layout (or found of for that matter) of the new site.

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