A truck crashed through my backyard wall. | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A truck crashed through my backyard wall.

I got a call from my neighbor that someone crashed through the wall of my backyard. So I closed the office, and headed home. I get here and the whole neighborhood, news teams and the cops with the yellow "crime scene" tape were all over the place. I pull up and a couple of cops come right up to me and ask if I live here and get some info from me.

Some of the neighbors said it sounded like a bomb that went off and ran over to see what was going on. I guess the truck was on fire and someone grabbed the hose and put it out while another called 911.

I don't know the story of how it happened as nobody actually saw it.

Unfortunately the driver hit a couple of kids riding their bikes and killed one immediately (which flew about 100' from where he was hit) and the other, somehow, is fine. I just heard on the news that the driver is at the hospital in stable condition and could be facing man slaughter charges.

It's on every local news channel so if you see this, you can check out the news copter shots and interviews with the neighbors. We had a couple news channels inside the house filming and taking pics of the backyard.

Here are a few pics and the album they're in.
http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x75/HB_Tiki/Backyard Crash/




Pulling the truck out.





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that guy even looks like a douchebag. if it was my son he hit, it wouldn't take two years to decide what to do with him. i would have the problem solved in 5 mins.




How fast did they say he was going?? Looks more like he hit a Mack truck head on:eek:

The Huntington Beach man faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in state prison.

What a load of crap

Do you mean they still haven't fixed your wall?? I've laid bricks before and I think I could have done that in a day!!

Ten years isn't enough to me either. Drinking a driving has cause alot of people pian. And I've done it before And will some more. I'll just be more carefull I always look out for the other guy. NO that don't make any better, but it helps alot.

Just be safe!! That helps also!!

Never had a DUI Knock on wood!! So being carful and safe helps!

They finished the wall back then, but it did take a while. He wasn't drunk either. He was under the influence of Vicodin and Xanax, while texting.

There is a little obfuscation in your post. Did you say you drink and drive, but are careful about it?

USE to drink and drive alot,and yes I was carful. I stopped drinking like that when Joshua was born.

Now I've had a couple beers or maybe even a couple shot. While visiting Jon and went home later. Not that It makes it ok either!!l

I myself was on meds last night. While we were out there I wasn't taking them like I should. Just for that reason. They make me very sleepy and I didn't want to make anybody have a reason to think anything bad about me!!!

You didn't notice I was in bed at around ten o'clock. I wasn't with the guys drinking saturday night. And that was the perfect time to drink.

wasn't going to be driving, and Joshua was safe.

I worry about driving.Now because i Know it can be used agaisnt me.The meds.
So I stil have to BE CAREFUL!!

NEVER Had a dui be cause i was caerful.

I tell Joshua that if he thinks about drinking. That he should take that money and put it in a jar. every time!! Same with drugs!! Put it in a jar also!!

He and everybody else would save alot of money. FAST!!!!

I read about, texting while he was driving. Why I went on about the drinking???

I don't care if there stone cold sober If your not looking out for the other guy.Then ten years isn't enough. For being stuiped and killing anyone!!

Back then I didn't drink and drive every day,But I take my meds every day!!

I'm glad you got your wall fixed!! I did see that this wa in 07 when it started. I missed getting fixed part. also! lol!!!

Hope this fixed things!!:D Wrong is wrong!! No matter what.

Thanks for saying something,I don't want people to think poorly of me.

BE SAFE!!:thumbsup:

Six years? Around here you would get that just for the DUI.
Only in California:(

A little update...

I got some weed block paper, a **** load of bark nuggets, a 12 pack of New Castle, set the TV to a good Music channel and did work, son.

This is what I started with, today. I weeded everything then headed to Home Depot.




After the trip to Home Depot, I cracked the first beer and got too it.

20 bags:


Poor thing sees more work (moving furniture and now garden supplies) than it does ramps or streets anymore...


I had a little help from Mike Rowe, and apparently his people found out what color clothes I was going to wear.



Here is what it looks like for now.





I'm planning on getting some greenery in there still. Since the city was so awesome at matching the old one, instead of painting the wall, I may put some bamboo along the length so it all matches both in looks and height.

Any opinions on the bamboo idea?

I'd also like to put some kind of veneer rock along the retaining wall to hide the sweet cinder block on the left side of the yard.

You guys should open a business! Lookin' good!

So what's the bamboo idea, a large diameter piece running along the top edge? That would help. Maybe add some thinner pieces running vertically every 4 feet or so, for a "fence" effect?
And yeah, you need some greenery, and lots of it! And some shade.

Those tikis sure look small there! I shoulda made them bigger! :D

Oh yeah, that's nice. Does it come in whatever height the wall is?

Looks great Colin:thumbsup: Should have given me a call, I would have come down to help;)

I like the second bamboo fence:thumbsup: Very nice.

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hi colin. facebook me foolio. arvin rodriguez(themobbsquad@hotmail.com)

ive been away. your backyard looks amazing by the way.
