Aerostar parts work in Explorers! How about a forum? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aerostar parts work in Explorers! How about a forum?

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New to the site, could you pm a link to me please?

Thanks for your support Joe. Anybody else?
I would appreciate the Aerostar thread as I own a 1992 Explorer and have come up against a lack of resources for replacing interior worn out parts. Specifically if you know of a replacement for the drivers seat which I believe is referred to as a bucket seat, it is nothing fancy. Key difference with it that I can discern is the seat has coil springs as I can feel them whereas later editions have an entirely different spring system. Maybe my search skills need a little help as most of the time when I do a search identifying year and make of the car I get a significant amount of hits for coil springs, just not coil springs for the seat. Green Lizzy

Other than a junkyard or EBay, I don't think that you will find OEM seats anywhere. There are aftermarket seats for custom vans or sports cars available from Summit Racing or similar online vendors. Ricaro makes high end seats which are expensive.

Other than a junkyard or EBay, I don't think that you will find OEM seats anywhere. There are aftermarket seats for custom vans or sports cars available from Summit Racing or similar online vendors. Ricaro makes high end seats which are expensive.
thank you for your information. We do have a junkyard in the neighborhood so will follow through with that as first choice.

I would appreciate the Aerostar thread as I own a 1992 Explorer and have come up against a lack of resources for replacing interior worn out parts. Specifically if you know of a replacement for the drivers seat which I believe is referred to as a bucket seat, it is nothing fancy. Key difference with it that I can discern is the seat has coil springs as I can feel them whereas later editions have an entirely different spring system. Maybe my search skills need a little help as most of the time when I do a search identifying year and make of the car I get a significant amount of hits for coil springs, just not coil springs for the seat. Green Lizzy
Explorerforum has had a Aerostar sub-forum for awhile now, thanks to BrooklynBay
