Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006 | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006

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The hours are ticking away... Can't wait!!!

Rick said:
The hours are ticking away... Can't wait!!!

Thanks for rubbing it in Rick! ;)

And thanks Tom and Brian for your kind words.

Be safe!

Peace, Love and Granolla!!!!

My dad and I will be out late tommorow night.

...and where is Jamie when you need him, I was just stuck in a elevator for the last half of an hour with 4 of my co-workers. :confused: That was interesting :rolleyes:

OH stuck in an elevator! Sweet.
Where was this at?
half hour is pretty damn good for the elevator maint personnel to respond IMO!

You got lucky!
Must have somebody on site or in the area at least.

How did they get you out? Lower the car to the bottom terminal and open the doors or get you guys through the escape hatch (more rare)

Typically it is somethng simple when a car stops in the hoistway, its for your own safety. They elevator people have to cut power to the machine or pump and check all teh safeties, then they can put it on bypas mode and lower you at a very slow speed to the bottom stop.

Any word on what the problem was? Usually it is a door interlock switch or something, think of it as your truck stopping itself if a door is opened or if the door adjar switch says a door is open.

I hope you remembered not to try and pry the doors open or try to escape yourselves, cz thats when people get killed. Imagine, hey I got the doors open and we can climb out to this floor, then half was across the "threshhold" the elevator move = slice.

I'm not sure if my truck is going to be ready to go. I might drive out there to take pics. My dad wont make it since he decided to make reservations this weekend for mom and him for their aniversary. IT is their actual aniversary, but he had a senior moment and forgot about about TH. haha. He did say something about if she's happy he's happy kinda thing :D

That would be great if you could photograph the run Brian. We would definately like to see you even if you can't bring the Ex. :thumbsup:

Tell the old man not to feel bad. I just went to PM one of the moderators and instead I posted directly into a thread! DOH!! :eek: A senior moment and I still have many years to go before I'm offically a senior :confused:

got the van stuffed with wood,chair ,atv ,atv ramp,air bed, camping gear,coolers,spare tire(for the van),and couple helmets oh and extra gas...i will be arriving saturday morning.i need to visit my aunt in desert hot springs on friday, i haven't seen her since the trip i took with db-1 and felix one friday a couple years ago. so i'll see you all saturday morning.....positive vibes, so sorry to hear about your loss, stay strong bro..........we'll have to plan a hollister trip soon...... anthony :thumbsup:

Well I have to work thursaday and friday :fire: So I want be out till friday night sometime. Probably around 8 pm or so. My brother did just drop a nice dead oak tree today so If I can manage to squeeze a few rounds in the truck it should make a good base for the fires. See everyone friday night.

BKennedy said:
Side of beef??
Case of Scotch???

A case of Tequila???????

I signed up (running the beginner trails) and I am partly going because I've got a Photo Essay project for a class and I'll be able to learn more about offroading this way.

Are there times during the runs where groups watch other groups at certain obstacles?

Is there an approximate time vehicles will get going towards the trails on Saturday? I'll be arriving Saturday and don't won't to slow anyone down.

Thanks, Chris.

410Fortune said:
OH stuck in an elevator! Sweet.
Where was this at?
half hour is pretty damn good for the elevator maint personnel to respond IMO!

You got lucky!
Must have somebody on site or in the area at least.

How did they get you out? Lower the car to the bottom terminal and open the doors or get you guys through the escape hatch (more rare)

Typically it is somethng simple when a car stops in the hoistway, its for your own safety. They elevator people have to cut power to the machine or pump and check all teh safeties, then they can put it on bypas mode and lower you at a very slow speed to the bottom stop.

Any word on what the problem was? Usually it is a door interlock switch or something, think of it as your truck stopping itself if a door is opened or if the door adjar switch says a door is open.

I hope you remembered not to try and pry the doors open or try to escape yourselves, cz thats when people get killed. Imagine, hey I got the doors open and we can climb out to this floor, then half was across the "threshhold" the elevator move = slice.

Actually, Jamie after learning what I did from your other thread, I was kinda freeked when they got us out :eek: The elevator went up about 4 feet and then had a jarring stop. When they got us out they pryed the doors from the outside, outer then, inner. We were half across the treshhold :eek: They put a little ladder and siad come down. The Elevator guy came up and put his key in to turn it off. *Flashback in my mind to your post and being split in half *:eek: So I was the first out, I said screw that I'm not taken my time walking down a ladder through the open doors, I grabbed the outer top of the door way and swung out like a monkey on a vine. :monkey: The rest of them came down the ladder. They said it was ok the power was off :rolleyes: They had the elavator back working a few minutes later :confused:

BMXplorer said:
Are there times during the runs where groups watch other groups at certain obstacles?

Is there an approximate time vehicles will get going towards the trails on Saturday? I'll be arriving Saturday and don't won't to slow anyone down.

9am is when we leave camp for the trails.

If we head out towards the ditches you guys could watch or follow. The ditches provide a lot of action in the way of suspension articulation and very narrow passages that you need to wind your way through. There is stuff there for the moderate/stock guys too, you just have to be careful of body damage.

And a note to those with ATVs... This group has a bit of an aversion towards ATVs given our past experiences with them at Truck Haven. Please do not ride them around camp. If your going to ride take them out on the trails...


Truck Haven 2006 Movie Trailer ;)


Felix said:
So far I have the green light to join you all this weekend. Is there anything other than a cord of wood you need me to bring??
So is Mark serious about the cord'o'wood??? Should we not bring wood?

We love fire Bill... You know that :D The bigger the better :D It's nice not to have to worry about conserving for each night;)

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Stic-o said:
Truck Haven 2006 Movie Trailer ;)


Haha the teaser is out

I am guessing the release will be a let down haha jk looks good :thumbsup:

do you have full length vids of T-haven not all cut up for download???

Thanks Nathan
