OH stuck in an elevator! Sweet.
Where was this at?
half hour is pretty damn good for the elevator maint personnel to respond IMO!
You got lucky!
Must have somebody on site or in the area at least.
How did they get you out? Lower the car to the bottom terminal and open the doors or get you guys through the escape hatch (more rare)
Typically it is somethng simple when a car stops in the hoistway, its for your own safety. They elevator people have to cut power to the machine or pump and check all teh safeties, then they can put it on bypas mode and lower you at a very slow speed to the bottom stop.
Any word on what the problem was? Usually it is a door interlock switch or something, think of it as your truck stopping itself if a door is opened or if the door adjar switch says a door is open.
I hope you remembered not to try and pry the doors open or try to escape yourselves, cz thats when people get killed. Imagine, hey I got the doors open and we can climb out to this floor, then half was across the "threshhold" the elevator move = slice.