Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more

Its that time of year for the annual explorer forum Truckhaven run. This year there is a twist. Instead of the normal weekend it has been held it has now been pushed back two weeks so hopefully more folks can make it.

So who is coming out? Should be a fun adventure and I hear talks of a projector screen TV to watch the superbowl game on while hanging in the desert.


The "official" Truck Haven 2006 sign up sheet is here:Dead Link Removed

The Truck Haven info thread is here:
If you've never been to Truck Haven before definately read it.


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I'm going to try to have the Lil Sis project there finised for all to see as well. ;)

Im gonna try to make it, this will be my trucks first "REAL" run after going solid if i do.. To early to say for sure, thats a long ass drive!

I'm there. :cool:

I'm in with the Navajo and class C. :D

I'm in, and scrounging for good firewood.. you know, those 100lb chunks.. :D

going to be hard to do a xmas tree burn however.


Count me in too...I got some off road dvd's if the game sucks :p

In :D

would anyone be willing to 'hold my hand' for my first time out? I wanna come out and play with the 4x4 a little on my stocker, but dont want to hold anyone back. I dont really have camping supplies besides a sleeping bag so i would need a little help in the food dept as i have no where store it, but would deffinatally be willing to pay for my own food and all...Im not a total mooch;)

If you wanna talk, chat or whatever about this AIM is the best way to contact me Chris GTO TT is my SN.

Christobal, Dont sweat it, any 4x4 can have plenty of fun at T haven

If you get the chance catch a ride with one of these guys too, T haven has a PUCKER factor like no other :)

Man this is tempting but geesh thats a long ass drive....

If work permits a trip out then I'm in. Is there a place to put a Toyhauler? I'll bring the Quad and anyone that wants a turn on it is welcome.
Honda 650 Rincon.
It can get a bit chilly out there in the winter so pack some warm gear for sleeping.
My Buddy has some land out near Borrego so I've been out that way, just never to Truckhaven.


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Oh i have warm clothes and all I am just concerned about the food, i have no way to prepare or store food out there.

On another note The LSD on my Explorer appears to have gone out:rolleyes:

Well if I end up going you can ride along with me out there and we'll have all the food set. I don't have a trail rig, just going out to check it out.

If i have my truck i'm in. If i don't i will be posting that i've sold it... If i dont have it i can help navigate and take pictures.

There is plenty of space tp put a toy hauler. Those of us wit tents like toyhaulers and motorhomes cause they make nice wind breaks.

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Do you own a cooler? You don't need one real big if it's just yourself coming out. I actually bring out main cooler for camp and a small one for when we are out on the trails. As for ice, you can always run to the store in town for more. I also bring a small BBQ to cook my food that you are welcome to use and several others bring propane stoves which i'm sure they'd let you use as well. Also, unless you are sleeping in your truck i'd go buy a tent. You don't need to buy top of the line...Target, Big 5, etc. has tents fairly cheap. These few camping supplies will make things more enjoyable out there ;)
