Comming Soon the all new "Zukplorer" | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Comming Soon the all new "Zukplorer"

We were discusing it today, We're going to do a 9" rear and D44 from a scout or 74-79 waggy (pass drop);) probally cut down both. I'm sure the 5 lug conversion that Matt did to 5x5.5 will work on the older waggy front too;)

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Pulled a D44 out of a mid 80's burban today. It will have to be cut down but that means he will D44/9" in the zuk:D Probally a little over kill for such a light truck, but it just means less prone to brakeage;)

You sure that was a 44? It could have been a 10 bolt. I thought they started using them in the late 70's early 80's sometime.

Not a 10 bolt and not a 44?? maybe a 60 or 70 can't seem to find any other info id#'s stamped on driver side tube Z A M G O 099 1 can anyone identify?

Yeah it's a chevy 10 bolt, D44 stopped in '78:(

And yet another monkeywrench!!!!!!! The driverside motor mounts are wrong grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!! way wrong will have to wait till Monday to find out if they sent the wrong ones.


Engine going in!!! Amazing ain't it! lol Its a little tight in there!!!!!!!!!!!!


what kind of engine is that and is that going in the suzuki

Thats a OHV 4.0

what kind of engine is that and is that going in the suzuki

Ya know..if you would actually take the time to read the thread instead of shotgun posting, you would have known this...:rolleyes:

yeah!!!!!!!! its in!!! nothing like a big shoehorn!!


Bravo! But where's the radiator is gonna go? on the front bumper?

talking about lousing the fan off the front of the motor and just running a electric. also the motor still need to go back a few inches I heard;)

zukman youre my hero hahaha
everytime i drive my sam i think to myself "mmmm the 4.0 would sound pretty in this little thing"

and powered samurai? how cool is that?


we need a update on this sami....please i check everyday to see the progress...and :confused:

The sami is now in the garage on blocks. old wheels sold awaiting remount of tires on wider rims to accomodate longer axles.(backspace issue)

Now that the engine is off the garage floor and in the truck, the little sister Ranger needs to get finished. Wiring, finish headers and exhaust,fuel lines and fuel tank, fire over and it will be done.

As soon as the Ranger is done and running attention will be focused on the sami.

Thats when the real fun begins!!! Reclaiming the backyard from rednecks!!!!
lol First 'ole brown truck gets engine from T-bird, T-bird remains go bye bye, second sami gets attention fix it and run it stock or??? And finally Zukmam's Crusier will find its way into the garage for a full on restore
