How to: 2nd gen bodylift - PA 883 Bodylift Instructions | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to: 2nd gen bodylift - PA 883 Bodylift Instructions

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Can anyone with 4 doors let me in on what they did with the bolts underneath the carpet? I kinda don't want to have to remove front + rear seats aaand the carpet to save time. Just curious as to what you all did.

some people cut the carpet at the bolt location. You can use self stick carpet seam tape available at hardware stores to repair the cut.

i just unbolted the 4 bolts on the seat then left the seatbelt thing hooked up, just bent the seat up and push the carpet back. you will have enough room to get the bolts out. and you dont cut any carpet this way.

Can anyone with 4 doors let me in on what they did with the bolts underneath the carpet? I kinda don't want to have to remove front + rear seats aaand the carpet to save time. Just curious as to what you all did.

I only removed the front seats. This gave me enough working room with the carpet to get the rear bolts and didnt have to cut the carpet.

The Performance Accessories Body Lift made for the Ranger. For you It'll be part #883 i believe. You don't gain any ground clearance with the suspension lift because of the torsion bar setup that our explorers have. then after the body lift you can do a torsiontwist and add the lift shackles. If you search the forum here you will find much more information about the options and installation writeups too.

I'm a real newbie but learning. I just googled shakles and they seem to be for leaf springs which my 04 explorer doesn't have because its IRS correct? or did I just not search though enough google pages?

Any clarification would be great.

I'm a real newbie but learning. I just googled shakles and they seem to be for leaf springs which my 04 explorer doesn't have because its IRS correct? or did I just not search though enough google pages?

Any clarification would be great.

You are correct. The 3rd gens, which you have if I'm not mistaken, Have coilovers in the rear just like the front and do have IRS. I believe there are some kits out there for yours that are coil spacers which will give you the same lift essentially as the shackles and TT would for a 2nd gen.

Thanks, I just wanted to confirm I hadn't missed anything. Ordered the body kit 2 hours ago. Now the wait begins, my buddies with all their monster like lifted trucks are excited I'm getting the itch.

haha nice :D

Also if you search the forum youll find some other 3rd gens lifted and a writeup for the body lift on an 3rd gen if you haven't already found it.

Found that one but not nearly as detailed as this one. I wonder how much of these instructions will apply to mine. I'll see soon enough.

Any ideas on the radiator mounts i have a 00 explorer and the radiator drops dont fitvery well. do i need to trim anything?

rkalb, you shouldnt have to. I have a 00 also is it the top or the lower radiator mounts?

Any ideas on the radiator mounts i have a 00 explorer and the radiator drops dont fitvery well. do i need to trim anything?

I had some trouble with the lower mounts on my 99. I ended up playing with them a bit and it went together fine. It seemed like the bolt did not want to line up and begin threading into the bracket.

I had some trouble with the lower mounts on my 99. I ended up playing with them a bit and it went together fine. It seemed like the bolt did not want to line up and begin threading into the bracket.
Hi Eric!
How refreshing it is to see you giving advice for a lift. lol :D

yeah i have A REALLY Hard time threading them. I eventually got them too work by doing a little grinding. maybe its cause i have the 5.0?

Heres my explorer next too one that pulled up in the lot


  • SNC00425 (Medium).jpg
    SNC00425 (Medium).jpg
    57.7 KB · Views: 2,538

^ might be bc of the 5.0.. a little bigger radiator maybe? :dunno: but lookin good!! :thumbsup:

Finished mine:


Better Pics Later..

Thank you manaen, specialized7 and grant00... I used a combination of all of y'alls imput and ripped the seats out and center console to slean the carpet :p

i dont even want to pull the seats and console out again... no telling what amount of dirt is under there now :rolleyes: :p: lookin good brandon!!

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sweet write up very infomative
