I Need You!! Please Help Deciding What Wheels to Get. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I Need You!! Please Help Deciding What Wheels to Get.

Im getting 22's for my bagged Explorer can someone share some pics and why you think I should buy those. Im interested in the whole deep dish or big lip look 2 tone colors are nice also. Im having a very hard time deciding on which to buy. My truck is white by the way. Ill post the picture of my truck after deciding which ones to buy.

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His look good...but I would worry about the exact design, with how he had his puddle problem, and the rim cracking.

Personally, I like the "Dub Funky Child" the best. But that's just because I'm partial to 5 spoke rims


  • dub.jpg
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His look good...but I would worry about the exact design, with how he had his puddle problem, and the rim cracking.

Personally, I like the "Dub Funky Child" the best. But that's just because I'm partial to 5 spoke rims

Hey Charlie Those are nice wheels but I notice they have 6 lugs, will they fit my truck, i really like the design.:thumbsup:

Sorry, don't know if they do. I had just been browsing some styles, and saw those.

I made this list of the ones im currently interested in.

I like them all but im going crazy trying to choose.:confused:

When I see which are the popular ones, ill exclude the rest and focus on the coolest ones. 6 is in for sure. 7 is nice also.

I like 7, but I didn't pick it because if you ever curb it, you'll get a lot more damage than the others where you'll just get the lip.

That is so true, I would hate to see them scratched but they are nice.

Alright so im going to knock off the top ones and stick to the bottom three.
What shall it be??? 5 6 7 ; 6 is getting my attention. Also, any other wheels are welcomed in this battle of the rims.:D

Ace Alloys T1

Either in silver or black w/ chrome lip, and they used to come in chrome, but i think silver with a white truck would look nice.

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Or the Bullet from Billet Specialties


