Its that time. Im getting some paint. | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Its that time. Im getting some paint.

Well i have been fixing some things lately and it is time for new paint. Its something we are going to do at the house. My dad used to paint for a while and is a all around mech. Its time.

Here is the deal. It has been primer for a year. I sanded it down a few weeks ago for new primer and i have decided to paint the explorer with some color this time. Not gonna spend a lot of money on it. No clear coat or anything. Im not fixing the dents because the min i do and get it all painted i will lay it over on a tree again and have a worse looking spot. From the trim on the doors down are staying black. They will be getting bed liner here in a few weeks. Im also going to do two black stripes down the center of the hood and roof section to do something different. I know someone has a green and white striped explorer so i like it.

This is the prob. I have been wanting orange but im not so sure. Im creating this thread to see what others think. I want the options. I know what i think i would want but i would like to see what others think to.

Here are some current pics.



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Does that do the tack welding and then you pull out the dent? Close?

Yeah, it spot welds a little nail on to the body then the slide hamer hooks to it , and you pull the dent out. No more holes!:D Then you just clip them and do light grinding:thumbsup: We'lll see how worth it is for $100 bucks

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Well thats a pretty good price. I was going to do that but i figure ill prob meet another tree or rock.

Very true.

What do yll think about the insides of the doors being done with truck bed liner and make tube doors

Wet sanding the front fenders and hood today. Going to buff them also

Hey Burns-
A new powder color was created in your honor.
But-- It is new-and I have a source--


  • burns neon green.jpg
    burns neon green.jpg
    23.3 KB · Views: 212

Looks awesome, Burns. Love it. When are you gonna finish the logo on the back?

yes stud guns are a great body tool!you can pull out dents and if you get a panel that oil cans or you want to shrink a high spot you zap the panel in that area a couple times and use a wet cloth to quench it and shrink the metal.

Very true.

What do yll think about the insides of the doors being done with truck bed liner and make tube doors
don't plug the drain holes with liner.

Looks awesome, Burns. Love it. When are you gonna finish the logo on the back?

Ah Here soon. My first concern is to finish the buffing this week. Saturday im going to try to finish the hatch. I may work on it friday.

Pix as soon as it's done, plz. It's gonna look so badass. :D

Ok ill get some pic today up. With the clear it looks so much better than it did.

I may have to do some paint work on the hood. We accidently burnt a spot on the hood with the buffer and it looks bad. May not worry with it tho.

OK boys and girls. I have the explorer on the rear hatch. Didnt turn out perfect but it will look better after a wet sanding. Clear coat will help.


that is awesome. i wish you were gonna be at truckhaven! i would love to take some pics of that in the dirt....

I would love to be there more than you know. I will make it with in a few years. Gonna have to start with the $$$ part ha ha

yeah that's a lot of gas. if you save up 1500 bucks, you can ship it! hahaha

Ha Ha. Yeah that would work.....

:eek:Total Est. Time: 30 hours, 46 minutes Total Est. Distance: 2125.90 miles:eek:

If i get 8 mpg it will take 267 gallons of gas just to get there. At 2.80 a gallon thats $747.60 just to get there.......:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Well i guess that will be a while. Oh well paint will still be on it by then.

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wow. it would almost be cheaper to ship it!
