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Jefe's SAS

Everyone else has a SAS thread in here, so I figured that instead of being jealous, I'd just start my own :)

I've been planning this for a few months now, and the parts are now starting to collect.

The plan is to buy a TJ D30 front axle to use for sizing and testing purposes, and replace it with a custom HP D44 with a bunch of goodies as the project nears completion.

I will be using Rubicon Express TJ long arms. These are 36" long, and convert the TJ 4 link to a radius arm design. 36" back from the front axle lands the rear mounts right where the torsion bar currently mounts, and the TJ and Ex frame are the same width at that location, so it should make for a great bracket location.

I plan to run 2" remote res. coilovers. I won't decide how much travel they need until I've got the axle temp'd under and see amount of flex, ride height, etc. No point in shoving a 14" travel C/O WAY up into the engine bay if its not going to do me any more good than a 10" or a 12".

I will convert the steering pump and gearbox over to a 1st gen explorer setup. I am hoping that the TJ track bar and steering will work, but will have that custom made if it doesn't.

I'm hoping for about 6" of lift, but may have to settle for more depending on a few things. I'll do a SOA conversion in the rear, along with custom leaves to match front ride height. I will be taking out the 3" BL as one of the first steps.

I plan to start actual work on the project about halfway into April.

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Originally posted by Jefe
Took me forever to finally figure out this one. I was dead set that it'd be metric. . but 10 is too small and 12 is too big, so I was like "great, who in the world makes an 11". . .I ended up going to the junkyard and pulling one to figure it out. Well, its standard. 7/16" coarse I believe.

Thanks! I was going through the same problem today, couldn't figure it out. I was positive it was a 1/2"...nope, so i try the 12 too big, and the 10 too small....

Thank you very much!

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Got one more question for you Jefe

With your steering box, i assume you sleeved your frame? If so did you just extend the sleve out 1/4" on the inside so the box didn't hit the frame?

Originally posted by Yomie
Got one more question for you Jefe

With your steering box, i assume you sleeved your frame? If so did you just extend the sleve out 1/4" on the inside so the box didn't hit the frame?
Probably more like 1/2", but yes.


AHHHH, i think you're website is down.


Looks like you got the rear to flex more like the front. And that rear bumper looks nice.

How does it ride on the street? I know that RE advertises that this setup improves the on-road ride as well as the off-road. Since you are running the coil overs, how does it ride over stock? I am putting together a similar setup for my ranger although I am fabbing all of my arms from scratch and using johnny joints instead. It just would make sleep better knowing that this setup will perform better all the way around than my stock TTB. Thanks

Originally posted by jobunn

Looks like you got the rear to flex more like the front. And that rear bumper looks nice.
Its just that the front, being softer, flexes first, and then the rear flexes.

Originally posted by johnny5_72
How does it ride on the street? I know that RE advertises that this setup improves the on-road ride as well as the off-road. Since you are running the coil overs, how does it ride over stock? I am putting together a similar setup for my ranger although I am fabbing all of my arms from scratch and using johnny joints instead. It just would make sleep better knowing that this setup will perform better all the way around than my stock TTB. Thanks
It is not so much fun to drive over 50 mph. The coilovers are so soft and flexy, that although the ride is nice and soft, the slightest wander or bump steer sends the body rolling. A sway bar would prevent this, but I've now gotten very used to it and its finally starting to be fun to drive again so I'm not worrying about it.

I will defininitely be using a sway bar w/discos. This truck is my DD for @ 70 miles a day. I run about 70 mph all the way and I want to be able to do that and not scare the sh*%t out of me when I round a corner. Thanks for the info. I also plan on fabbing up xj/tj style spring mounts and running 5.5" Rockkrawler brand springs.

Sway bar was definantly the best thing i've added since the conversion. I think Jefe would be better off with one, but his might handle totally different then mine did. I drive 50 miles a day for work on the interstate and i don't know how i did it before with out the sway bar. I used some stock XJ links, i'm going to try to pickup a set of quick disconnects in a few weeks.

I just can't figure out where to put one. :rolleyes:
Its either gotta go above (or through) the frame, or behind the axle (which actually might work well. . just thought of that)

Originally posted by Jefe
I just can't figure out where to put one. :rolleyes:
Its either gotta go above (or through) the frame, or behind the axle (which actually might work well. . just thought of that)

Thats how the '02s are routed, If that helps at all;) :D

Mine mounted right under the radiator, bolted to the bottom of the frame and the arms of the bar sit right over the stock XJ connections. I doubt you have these since you're is a custom axle, but that's how i did it.

I thought about behind the axle too, but there was no way with the oil pan and my control arms. You arms might be longer, but mine wouldn't allow anything under there.

Originally posted by JoshC
Mine mounted right under the radiator, bolted to the bottom of the frame and the arms of the bar sit right over the stock XJ connections. I doubt you have these since you're is a custom axle, but that's how i did it.

I thought about behind the axle too, but there was no way with the oil pan and my control arms. You arms might be longer, but mine wouldn't allow anything under there.
I still have the bolts in the frame that the stock bar mounted to. . .but the steering would hit it.

What about mounting the bar to the axle similiar to how the rear swaybar is setup? Just a thought, I don't know how this stuff works, gimmie something electronic :D

Originally posted by Jefe
I still have the bolts in the frame that the stock bar mounted to. . .but the steering would hit it.

I thought the stock bar mounted to the big cross member??

THATS JUST SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Amazingly she is still firmly planted on the ground. The front-left tire could go up another 1" or so.

And so the quest for a tall enough rock continues. . .
