Jon And Sheri's Vitamin D Wagon | Page 58 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jon And Sheri's Vitamin D Wagon

As she sits now,





But it didn't start out like this.

We returned from our trip to Colorado Sept 2009 to find this waiting in the yard.

It needs a few little sumthuns--but it is a great start I do think.
Here is where we begin to take over the work started by trukmajik and dejello










updated pics ^^^^^how it was when I got it

Now here is how it looks as of 4-1-2010

got the wheels all shiny!








and as of 8-5-2010


with swaybar^^^

without sway bar



revised shock towers and more flex-Big thanks to Dkchrist for coming over to weld em in. I owe him big time!!



With a top




LED rock lights


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no fooling around here, got all the parts, , just a bit more work than he won't have to wrench on it for a long time,,

than,,, mud to follow,,

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Lets get this thing dirty already!

I have heard this before, and I do intend to.

As soon as you feel like it is safe for me to drive this on the highway with my wife and possibly grandchildren on board, let me know.

Wheeling it can do, getting there safely is important too ya know.

I am not going to wheel this truck, until it is safe to drive there.

What about just flipping to dohickey around to the other side for more room?


  • IMG_10352.jpg
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???? I am confused?

it is the frame mount bracket which is in the way--the bolt head for the endlink hits.

Now an upper end link like a 2nd gen ,might squeeze by, or, a 1.5" longer sway bar would work

???? I am confused?

I'm probably the confused one. :D

Can you not get your sway bar end link mounted onto the pin because the new track bar bracket is in the way, right?

What if you flip the pin around so the end link goes on from the outside of the axle and not the inside? Like my PS above.

I may be way off though. I'm not familiar with sway bars and 1st gens and sway bars on first gens. :D

Ahhhh.. okay. I thought that was a pic of the problem. Carry on. :)

Jon yer gonna have ta drive Jr. It is wonderful. I kin take my hands off the wheel at 60 mph goin down the road. First thing that happens to a 4x4 when I get it is the sway bars fall off. They never used ta have um. So I feel they really don't need um. Green now ya have ta drive. No leaning back with a finger on the wheel and sippin a cold soda. Figure I been called in more times an I kin count as a drunk driver just tryin ta change the cd in the radio. But I may fix that.

So, for you guys!
Some poser shots on a rock, and a bigger rock


a lil stuffed








bigger rock




double stuff





And more than ample diffy-panhard clearnance I reckon



So what does Jr. have that Big D doesn't? :D

Jr. has the same 4.11 gears, a C-5, doubler, Detroit lockers front and back, 9" full width 31 spline rear, Dana 35 front with chevy 44 outers, Skyjacker 6" long arm lift and 33X10.5X15 BFG at's................................................and a brand new 2.9 with at least one bad lifter. And the AC blows really cold:D:D:D:D

Oh an the sway bars fell off long time ago.

The truck looks really good. Looks like it's working well.

Looks really clean - love the overall craftsmanship.


We actually used the truck for a little night time fishing.

The fish weren't biting all that well, Bryan managed to catch the first fish, largest fish and last fish. He also caught the only 2 fish.



This picture keeps popping into my feeble mind.

That's a lot of torque on that 1 little bolt. The heim is adding quite a lever.

It's really starting to bother me. Is there something you can do to strengthen that connection??

I can just see you bounce over a rock and squarely into the next and snapping that sucker or worse, twisting the pitman arm (or even worse yet, snapping the sector shaft (ask Diff Whack Daddy))


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I don't like it much either, but that is the only mis bushing the company says will work correctly with that joint. Changing all that would also move the angle higher. I'm telling you guys I don;t have much more in me, so, as far as the front end goes I really need it to be finished. Not feeling luv today at all, and my spine has been telling me lately to get another hobby. Right now it is all I can do to control my fingers typing. I can;t lay down for any lomger than I can remain passed out from fatigue. This is getting nuts.

The bolt is 3/4"

The only time that bolt would shear off would be on a severe trail impact. Maybe I should install a grade 5 bolt there for trail use, and consider it a "fuseable link" to protect the other components?

I truly intend this to be a trail use "Rig" . I would like to be able to get in to see other's tackle obstacles but will drive around most of them myself. Just a normal colorado back road is enough to tear me up, I don;t need to be falling off drop offs and climbing over boulders I cannot roll out of my way.

Maybe I should install a grade 5 bolt there for trail use, and consider it a "fuseable link" to protect the other components?

Definately carry a couple spare bolts and associated tools to remove a damaged one.

Maybe it'll be OK, I just worry about ya Jon. ;) You don't have the rolling Snap On tool box running with ya:D

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Definately carry a couple spare bolts and associated tools to remove a damaged one.

Maybe it'll be OK, I just worry about ya Jon. ;) You don't have the rolling Snap On tool box running with ya:D

And I truly appreciate it:thumbsup:

Speaking of rolling tool boxes. I need to buy a new one--
my old walmart stanley box finally gave out. A couple new tools broke the camels rollers and it almost tipped on us while moving it last night. Funny you should mention that-
