Let's see, what can I powdercoat today? | Page 39 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let's see, what can I powdercoat today?

nissan wiper 1.jpg
nissan wiper 2.jpg
nissan wiper 3.jpg
I have been practicing with my powdercoating system. So, today I thought I'd coat the wipers on my Wife's Nissan--might as well hit the ones on the Mounty also--

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How about a face lift for a ceiling fan?
This one used to be gold, now it is "Antique Silver Vein"

I hope Nina likes it.




Hey that looks nice, depending on how good you get, you might even be able to get more for a sale on your house for "antique" ceiling fans:confused:

Looks great


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Nice! I'm sure she'll like it. I feel sorrow for you though. You're bound to get some more boxes. :D

Gmanpaint is Here for a visit. He ordered a diffy cover to top of all his work.


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Very Nice work!

Do you advertise locally? Or on any other boards?


Very Nice work!

Do you advertise locally? Or on any other boards?


Nope-not much. Word of mouth network is what I am going with. I would rather pick and choose at this point.

Nope-not much. Word of mouth network is what I am going with. I would rather pick and choose at this point.

Always remember:

You can pick your friends & you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friends nose:D

an update on my project-

I"m in the process of tearing down my engine cmpartment and will definitely be sending you everything I can get off that will take powdercoating.

we will talk more through PMs about that etc.

I have two current questions though-

what do you recommend I do with hardware (bolts) in the pieces that are getting PCd?

Can I use rage gold in small amounts on the pieces? all "metal" filler?

for what it's worth, i've also decided to go straight up chrome for the bits I"m sending.

an update on my project-

I"m in the process of tearing down my engine cmpartment and will definitely be sending you everything I can get off that will take powdercoating.

we will talk more through PMs about that etc.

I have two current questions though-

what do you recommend I do with hardware (bolts) in the pieces that are getting PCd?

Can I use rage gold in small amounts on the pieces? all "metal" filler?

for what it's worth, i've also decided to go straight up chrome for the bits I"m sending.

Powdercoating the hardware will change it's size. Also, the torque forces could chip it off,
for metal filler, I highly recommend Alvin's " High temp Lab metal" as it has been proven to handle the heat and conduct electricity.
Lab metal can be thinned into a paste with acetone and smoothed out with your fingers, (wear rubber gloves)


yeah, figured that on the hardware

luckily I pretty much just need 30 of the same metric sized bolt in stainless or chrome.

I sample of Mr. Smith's fine worth, reassembled.

Dang, I really would like to have my intake manifold PC'ed to the same color red as the rest of my truck, or blue. Somehow i think the 4.0 manifold looks so freakin cool.


Dang, I really would like to have my intake manifold PC'ed to the same color red as the rest of my truck, or blue. Somehow i think the 4.0 manifold looks so freakin cool.


If JT doesn't have one handy, I can sell you my spare and ship it directly to JT to have it coated and he can ship it to you..


Like to get pricing on that. Might not be a bad time to replace the gasket as well.

Oh and just playin around in Photoshop.


I'm really glad everybody likes it. JT wants a small change done to it in respects to a logo before setting it in stone.

If anybody else would like something like that, feel free to PM me.

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hey JT , here is something to drool over,, it's a 24 foot by 14 foot oven used at Triumph boats for baking hulls, out of P E plastic,, but could be used for powder coating,,:D:D:D:D:D


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