Moab 2007 May 19-20 Chat Thread | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moab 2007 May 19-20 Chat Thread

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I am officially in- Don't know my rating, maybe a 3 or 3.5?

As for the people coming from east or north of Memphis, maybe we could caravan to Moab?

I would say your particular rating is 3.5-4. Based upon the amount of body damage your willing to take lol :p:

Stock: self explanatory, 4wd with low range - up to 3 rated trails
SuperStock: 1.5" lift; 31" tires, skidplates, LSD (limited slip differential) in rear - up to 3+ rated trails
Modified: 2.5" lift, 32" tires, LSD front and rear OR one locker - up to 4 rated trails
Big Dawg: 4" lift, 33" tires, LSD in one axle AND one locker in the other - 4+ rated trails
Extreme: 5.5+ lift, 35" tires, both axles locked, winch, willing to take major body damage - bring it awn, any trail

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hey rick looks like a possibilty of me not being alble to make it got alot **** that hit the fan lately and between money and time i dont think ill get to come up there but def count me in for the next run

Well I am going to get the rear locker. And I figured since my ST sits at least 8" taller than a stock vehicle, top of the world would be an easy trail.

True I don't have nearly the lift you do... but I wouldn't say Top of the World is an Easy trail if one is new to wheelin'. (Don't forget "Driver Skill" in the equation :D ). The height of lift is a blessing but you gotta remember that the Sport Trac is 15+ inches longer wheelbase than a 4 door Explorer which helps and hurts on the trail. TOW had some fairly technical spots for a moderate trail.

Back to the Moab thread- Rick; when are the trails going to be listed!? :D I'm just real excited about getting back out that I'm hoping to do some different stuff. Plus once the trails are on here; I can research my tail off looking at maps and videos of the area. :cool:


If ya want to commit I'm in for Friday there so lets set a meet up time. I think Rick said he would do it as well. So who else wants to do it?:salute:

im in for friday, plus a possable ride along...and let me keep asking RMFTC and some of my other friends

I'm in for a Friday run. Could possibly have a couple early broncos with me too.

I will be there on Friday and I am down to run something with the big dawgs for sure, if its area BFE then so be it I think they have a few trails I can do and still drive her home later :)

alright then its done, Friday Run BFE! So what time and where do you want to meet up, I'll be at the canyonlands campground again.:D

I am not good at organizing runs, I just show up on time and try to get everyone to leave the parking lot and hit the trail ASAP.

I am usually up at dawn on these trips, with my gf coming I can add an hour to morning get up and go time :)

So my answer is early and city market as per usual dayum I love Mecca err Moab

I will be in town Thursday night. So Friday meet and greet and trail run sounds great.


I'm in for Fri. too, i'm also waiting to hear if a friend of mine can make it with his TJ.

I may have a few open seats depending on if my cousin comes or not. When it gets closer I'll let ya'll know.

Got back from moab

Well i just got back from moab. And have to say it was a blast. The ex held up fine. I was the only modified ex thier. It took me 8 hours to get thier from slc and if any of you know it took me a hell of a time to get thier. My super dutys rear brakes wouldnt release so i had to tear it down in a truckstop lot and fix them. Then 20 miles down the road from that i had a blow out and had to get new tires. But we finally made it. For the crappy stuff with moab now. Lions back is closed. So is dump bump. After a while potato salad has a one car in for every car leaving. Thiers a really good trail out behind the B.F.E park but you have to pay 5 bucks per head to get in. The trail is called green day. I liked it. We only got a few trails in. And it was congested all the way threw. But hey thats easter jeep safari for ya. Hope you guys have fun.

If ya want to commit I'm in for Friday there so lets set a meet up time. I think Rick said he would do it as well. So who else wants to do it?:salute:

We won't be arriving until Friday so I'm out on that one...

MoabB2 - 4
Jefe - 4
Spas - Ride Along
Dignan - 3+
Brother of Jefe - 4
McIncak - 4
offroader_69_me - 4
mrboyle - 3.5
Gjarrett - 3-4
Becker69 - 3+
Joey Jarhead - 2
DB_1 - 4
410Fortune - 3.5
928sport - 3.5
Msupertek - 4
tilt168 - 3
67truckguy - 3.5
Brian1 - 1-3
goliath - 4
Chad551 - 2
FlyBoyCoe - 3
mountaineergreen - 3
Positive Vibes - 3.5

I have now started building my trail kit. Bought the tool box to install in the bed and now I am filling it up. This hobby is going to get EXPENSIVE :eek:

I have now started building my trail kit. Bought the tool box to install in the bed and now I am filling it up. This hobby is going to get EXPENSIVE :eek:

Twice as addictive as crack and ten times more expensive: That's four wheeling for ya ;) :D

Looks like I'll be going solo again this year. So count me as 1 Rick.

moab b2 is a 4? I would not be planning body damage on that beauty but I am sure we can find some if he wants!!! hehehehe

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Uhhh, yeah, did I give myself that rating? Mine is definitely one of the least capable on that list.

I think I'll just be hangin with the stockers this year.

My dad will be coming in his 74 Bronco, along with my brother in his 70 Bronco. So put me down for 3 rigs.

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